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Bareth, G
Dyrmann, M
Brant, V
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Yao, Y
Miao, Y
Huang, S
Gnyp, M.L
Khosla, R
Jiang, R
Bareth, G
Yao, Y
Miao, Y
Huang, S
Gnyp, M.L
Jiang, R
Chen, X
Bareth, G
Gnyp, M.L
Panitzki, M
Reusch, S
Jasper, J
Bolten, A
Bareth, G
Huang, S
Miao, Y
Yuan, F
Gnyp, M.L
Yao, Y
Cao, Q
Lenz-Wiedemann, V
Bareth, G
Rydahl, P
Jorgensen, R.N
Dyrmann, M
Jensen, N
Sorensen, M.D
Bojer, O.M
Andersen, P
Skovsen, S
Dyrmann, M
Eriksen, J
Gislum, R
Karstoft, H
Jørgensen, R.N
Dyrmann, M
Skovsen, S
Jørgensen, R.N
Laursen, M.S
Kroulik, M
Brant, V
Zabransky, P
Chyba, J
Krcek, V
Skerikova, M
Bareth, G
Jenal, A
Hüging, H
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Crop Protection
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results9 paper(s) found.

1. Developing An Active Crop Sensor-based In-season Nitrogen Management Strategy For Rice In Northeast China

  Crop sensor-based in-season N management strategies have been successfully developed and evaluated for winter wheat around the world, but little has been reported for rice. The objective of this study was to develop an active crop sensor-based in-season N management strategy for upland rice in Northeast... Y. Yao, Y. Miao, S. Huang, M.L. Gnyp, R. Jiang, X. Chen, G. Bareth

2. In-season Diagnosis of Rice Nitrogen Status Using an Active Canopy Sensor

... Y. Yao, Y. Miao, S. Huang, M. Gnyp, R. Khosla, R. Jiang, G. Bareth

3. Comparison Between Tractor-based and UAV-based Spectrometer Measurements in Winter Wheat

In-season variable rate nitrogen fertilizer application needs a fast and efficient determination of nitrogen status in crops. Common sensor-based monitoring of nitrogen status mainly relies on tractor mounted active or passive sensors. Over the last few years, researchers tested different sensors and indicated the potential of in-season monitoring of nitrogen status by unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in various crops. However, the UAV-platforms and the available sensors are not yet accepted to... M. Gnyp, M. Panitzki, S. Reusch, J. Jasper, A. Bolten, G. Bareth

4. Potential Improvement in Rice Nitrogen Status Monitoring Using Rapideye and Worldview-2 Satellite Remote Sensing

For in-season site-specific nitrogen (N) management of rice to be successful, it is crucially important to diagnose rice N status efficiently across large area in a timely fashion. Satellite remote sensing provides a promising technology for crop growth monitoring and precision management over large areas. The FORMOSAT-2 satellite remote sensing imageries with 4 wavebands have been used to estimate rice N status. The objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of using high spatial resolution... S. Huang, Y. Miao, F. Yuan, M.L. Gnyp, Y. Yao, Q. Cao, V. Lenz-wiedemann, G. Bareth

5. Spatial Variability of Optimized Herbicide Mixtures and Dosages

Driven by 25 years of Danish, political 'pesticide action plans', aiming at reducing the use of pesticides, a Danish Decision Support System (DSS) for Integrated Weed Management (IWM) has been constructed. This online tool, called ‘IPMwise’ is now in its 4th generation. It integrates the 8 general IPM-principles as defined by the EU. In Denmark, this DSS includes 30 crops, 105 weeds and full assortments of herbicides. Due to generic qualities in both the integrated... P. Rydahl, R.N. Jorgensen, M. Dyrmann, N. Jensen, M.D. Sorensen, O.M. Bojer, P. Andersen

6. Predicting Dry Matter Composition of Grass Clover Leys Using Data Simulation and Camera-Based Segmentation of Field Canopies into White Clover, Red Clover, Grass and Weeds

Targeted fertilization of grass clover leys shows high financial and environmental potentials leading to higher yields of increased quality, while reducing nitrate leaching. To realize the gains, an accurate fertilization map is required, which is closely related to the local composition of plant species in the biomass. In our setup, we utilize a top-down canopy view of the grass clover ley to estimate the composition of the vegetation, and predict the composition of the dry matter of the forage.... S. Skovsen, M. Dyrmann, J. Eriksen, R. Gislum, H. Karstoft, R.N. Jørgensen

7. Using a Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Detecting Locations of Weeds in Images from Cereal Fields

Information about the presence of weeds in fields is important to decide on a weed control strategy. This is especially crucial in precision weed management, where the position of each plant is essential for conducting mechanical weed control or patch spraying. For detecting weeds, this study proposes a fully convolutional neural network, which detects weeds in images and classifies each one as either a monocot or dicot. The network has been trained on over 13 000 weed annotations... M. Dyrmann, S. Skovsen, R.N. Jørgensen, M.S. Laursen

8. Machine Monitoring As a Smartfarming Concept Tool

Current development trends are associated with the digitization of production processes and the interconnection of individual information layers from multiple sources into common databases, contexts and functionalities. In order to automatic data collection  of machine operating data, the farm tractors were equipped with monitoring units ITineris for continuous collection and transmission of information from tractors CAN Bus. All data sets are completed with GPS location data. Acreage... M. Kroulik, V. Brant, P. Zabransky, J. Chyba, V. Krcek, M. Skerikova

9. N-management Using Structural Data: UAV-derived Crop Height As an Estimator for Biomass, N Concentration, and N Uptake in Winter Wheat

In the last 15 years, sensors mounted on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been intensively investigated for crop monitoring. Besides known remote sensing approaches based on multispectral and hyperspectral sensors, photogrammetric methods became very important. Structure for Motion (SfM) and Multiview Stereopsis (MVS) analysis approaches enable the quantitative determination of absolute crop height and crop growth. Since the first paper on UAV-derived crop height was published by Bendig et... G. Bareth, A. Jenal, H. Hüging