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Grueninger, R
Gong, A
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Holpp, M
Anken, T
Seatovic, D
Grueninger, R
Hueppi, R
Gong, A
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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1. 3d Object Recognition, Localization and Treatment of Rumex Obtusifolius in Its Natural Environment

Rumex obtusifolius is one of the most highly competitive and persistent sorts of weed in agriculture. An automatic recognition and plant-treatment system is currently under development as an alternative treatment technique. An infrared-laser triangulation sensor and a high-resolution smart camera are used to generate 3D images of the weeds and their natural environment. In a segmentation process, contiguous surface patches are separated from one other. These 3D surface patches... M. Holpp, T. Anken, D. Seatovic, R. Grueninger, R. Hueppi

2. Investigate the Optimal Plot Length in On-Farm Trials

Agronomic researchers have recently begun running large-scale, on-farm field trials that employ new technologies that enable us to conduct hundreds of farm trials all over the world and, by extension, rigorous quantitative and data-centered analysis.  The large-scale, on-farm trials follow traditional small-plot trials where the fields are divided into plots, and different treatments are randomly assigned to each plot. Over the past two years, researchers have been designing trials with plots... A. Gong