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Vallespi Gonzalez, C
Reeg, P.R
Redmond, C
Rudy, H
Rasheed, R
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Reeg, P.R
Blackmer, T.M
Kyveryga, P.M
Gonzalez-Mora, J
Vallespi Gonzalez, C
Ehsani, R
Dima, C.S
Duhachek, G
Kross, A
Kaur, G
Callegari, D
Lapen, D
Sunohara, M
McNairn, H
Rudy, H
van Vliet, L
Kross, A
Kaur, G
Znoj, E
Callegari, D
Sunohara, M
McNairn, H
Lapen, D
Rudy, H
van Vliet, L
Ashraf, E
Shurjeel, H.K
Rasheed, R
Griffin, T
Redmond, C
Knapp, M
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Horticulture
Decision Support Systems
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
Smart Weather for Precision Agriculture
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. HLB Detection Using Hyperspectral Radiometry

The need for sustainable agriculture requires the adoption of low input, long-term and cost-effective strategies to overcome the adverse impact of disease and nutritional deficiencies on citrus groves. In this context, early detection of diseased trees has become an important topic in the citrus industry. Multiple factors make field assessment of disease conditions a challenging task: the non-specific nature of many symptoms, the possibility of having localized affections in only certain areas... J. Gonzalez-mora, C. Vallespi gonzalez, R. Ehsani, C.S. Dima, G. Duhachek

2. Precision Tools to Evaluate Benefits of Tile Drainage in a Corn and Soybean Rotation in Iowa

... P.R. Reeg, T.M. Blackmer, P.M. Kyveryga

3. Spatial Decision Support System: Controlled Tile Drainage – Calculate Your Benefits

Climate projection studies suggest that extreme heat waves and floods will become more frequent, affecting future crop yields by 20%-30%, globally. Managing vulnerability and risk begins at the farm level where best management practices can reduce the impacts associated with extreme weather events. A practice that can assist in mitigating the impact of some extreme events is controlled tile drainage (CTD). With CTD, producers use water flow control structures to manage the drainage of water from... A. Kross, G. Kaur, D. Callegari, D. Lapen, M. Sunohara, H. Mcnairn, H. Rudy, L. Van vliet

4. Evaluation of an Artificial Neural Network Approach for Prediction of Corn and Soybean Yield

The ability to predict crop yield during the growing season is important for crop income, insurance projections and for evaluating food security. Yet, modeling crop yield is challenging because of the complexity of the relationships between crop growth and the interrelated predictor variables. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are useful for such complex systems as they can capture non-linear relationships of data without explicitly knowing the underlying processes. In this study, an ANN-based... A. Kross, G. Kaur, E. Znoj, D. Callegari, M. Sunohara, H. Mcnairn, D. Lapen, H. Rudy, L. Van vliet

5. Precision Agriculture: A Paradigm Shift for Espousal of Advanced Farming Practices Among Progressive Farmers in Punjab –Pakistan

Precision agriculture provides innovative farm information tools for improved decision making regarding crop growth and yield. Creating awareness for future applications of precision agriculture among progressive farmers in Pakistan was an instrumental force to conduct this study. The purpose was to appraise the awareness level of the respondents for applications of precision agriculture in the field. The objectives such as assessing the awareness level, available information sources, future needs,... E. Ashraf, H.K. Shurjeel, R. Rasheed

6. Managing the Kansas Mesonet for Site Specific Weather Information

Weather data has become one of the most widely discussed layers in precision agriculture especially in terms of agricultural ‘big data’. However, most farmers (and even other researchers outside of meteorology) are not likely aware of the complexities required to maintain weather stations that provide data. These stations are exposed to the elements 24/7 and provide unique challenges for sustainment during extreme weather conditions. Based upon decades of experience, this paper discusses... T. Griffin, C. Redmond, M. Knapp