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Caron, J
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Gumiere, S.J
Périard, Y
Caron, J
Hallema, D.W
Lafond, J.A
Caron, J
Anderson, L
Sauvageau, G
Gendron, L
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Precision Horticulture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Detection Of Drainage Failure In Reconstructed Cranberry Soils Using Time Series Analysis

A cranberry farm is often a semi-closed water system, where water is applied by means of irrigation and drained using an artificial drainage system. Cranberry bogs must be drained to the water level inside the surrounding ditches in order to maintain an optimal pore pressure within the root zone, which is important for a number of reasons. First of all, Phytophthara causing root rot are commonly associated with irrigation with contaminated surface water (Oudemans, 1999)... S.J. Gumiere, Y. Périard, J. Caron, D.W. Hallema, J.A. Lafond

2. Real Time Precision Irrigation with Variable Setpoint for Strawberry to Generate Water Savings

Water is a precious resource that is becoming increasingly scarce as the population grows and water resources are depleted in some locations or under increased control elsewhere, due to local availability or groundwater contamination issues. It obviously affects strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa Duch.) production in populated areas and water cuts are being imposed to many strawberry growers to save water, with limited information on the impact on crop yield. Precision irrigation technologies are... J. Caron, L. Anderson, G. Sauvageau, L. Gendron