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Kieffer, D
Meeks, C
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Kieffer, D
Vories, E
Jones, A
Stevens, G
Meeks, C
Precision A-Z for Practitioners
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Effect Of Sub-surface Drip Irrigation And Shade On Soil Moisture Uniformity In Residential Turf

Sub-surface irrigation in turf has advantages over traditional sprinkler systems. Evapotranspiration is reduced and water applied below the root zone promotes deeper root growth. Auditing such applications requires measurement of root-zone soil moisture. Data was taken in 2008 and 2009 on a private lawn in northern California that had just been rebuilt to include both sub-surface drip and overhead spray irrigation systems. A portable wave reflectometer was used to take geo-referenced soil moisture... D. Kieffer

2. Variety Effects on Cotton Yield Monitor Calibration

While modern grain yield monitors are able to harvest variety and hybrid trials without imposing bias, cotton yield monitors are affected by varietal properties. With planters capable of site-specific planting of multiple varieties, it is essential to better understand cotton yield monitor calibration. Large-plot field experiments were conducted with two southeast Missouri cotton producers to compare yield monitor-estimated weights and observed weights in replicated variety trials. Two replications... E. Vories, A. Jones, G. Stevens, C. Meeks