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Wouters, N
Yang, X
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Wouters, N
Van Beers, R
De Ketelaere, B
Deckers, T
De Baerdemaeker, J
Saeys, W
Xu, X
Li, Z
Yang, G
Gu, X
Song, X
Yang, X
Feng, H
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Towards Automated Pneumatic Thinning Of Floral Buds On Pear Trees

Thinning of pome and stone fruit is an important horticultural practice that is used to enhance fruit set and quality by removing excess floral buds. As it is still mostly conducted through manual labor, thinning comprises a large part of a grower’s production costs. Various thinning machines developed in recent years have clearly demonstrated that mechanization of this technique is both feasible and cost effective. Generally, these machines still lack sufficient selectivity... N. Wouters, R. Van beers, B. De ketelaere, T. Deckers, J. De baerdemaeker, W. Saeys

2. Using Canopy Hyperspectral Measurements to Evaluate Nitrogen Status in Different Leaf Layers of Winter Wheat

Nitrogen (N) is one of the most important nutrient matters for crop growth and has the marked influence on the ultimate formation of yield and quality in crop production. As the most mobile nutrient constituent, N always transfers from the bottom to top leaves under N stress condition. Vertical gradient changes of leaf N concentration are a general feature in canopies of crops. Hence, it is significant to effectively acquire vertical N information for optimizing N fertilization managements.... X. Xu, Z. Li, G. Yang, X. Gu, X. Song, X. Yang, H. Feng