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Shockley, J
Shannon, D.K
Szatylowicz, J
Schepters, J.S
Sobjak, R
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Balkcom, K
Ortiz, B
Shockley, J
Fulton, J.P
Dillon, C
Shockley, J
Shannon, D.K
Cullop, J
Griffin, T.W
Ibendahl, G
Barnes, E
Shockley, J
Devine, J
Bazzi, C.L
Silva, F.V
Gebler, L
Souza, E.G
Schenatto, K
Sobjak, R
Dos Santos, R.S
Hachisuca, A.M
Franz, F
Bazzi, C.L
Martins, M.R
Gebler, L
Souza, E.G
Schenatto, K
Sobjak, R
Hachisuca, A.
Franz, F
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C
Hachisuca, A
Sobjak, R
Gavioli, A
Betzek, N
Schenatto, K
Mercante, E
Rodrigues, M
Moreira, W
Aikes Junior, J
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C
Sobjak, R
Hachisuca, A
Gavioli, A
Betzek, N
Schenatto, K
Moreira, W
Mercante, E
Rodrigues, M
Hachisuca, A
Souza, E.G
Mercante, E
Sobjak, R
Ganascini, D
Abdala, M
Mendes, I
Bazzi, C
Rodrigues, M
Kitchen, N.R
Ransom, C.J
Schepters, J.S
Hatfield, J.L
Massey, R
Samborski, S.M
Szatylowicz, J
Gnatowski, T
Leszczyńska, R
Thornton, M
Walsh, O
Guidance, Auto Steer, and GPS Systems
Precision Conservation
Education and Training in Precision Agriculture
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
Decision Support Systems
In-Season Nitrogen Management
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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Filter results11 paper(s) found.

1. Profitability Of RTK Autoguidance And Its Influence On Peanut Production

Efficient harvest of peanuts (Arachis hypogea L.) requires that the digging implement be accurately positioned directly over the target rows. Small driving... K. Balkcom, B. Ortiz, J. Shockley, J.P. Fulton

2. Recision Management For Enhancing Farmer Net Returns With The Conservation Reserve Program

Yield maps have successfully been combined with economic principles in establishing precision guided recommendations for enrollment in the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). This can and has resulted in greater net returns for farmers than not enrolling in CRP or enrolling all eligible land in CRP without the consideration of foregone economic opportunities (Stull et al. 2004). This study expands these concepts by recognizing the adaptive behavior of the farmer and opportunities resulting from... C. Dillon, J. Shockley

3. Experiencs Of Extension Education Via Online Delivery Of Programming Related To Precision Agriculture Technologies

This paper will describe the content and experiences teaching an extension education course on precision agriculture technologies via online delivery. The course was developed to be delivered in 16 weeks meeting one time a week online. There was also a one-day face-to-face hands-on session focused around 4 lab type activities related to GPS guidance, diagnosis, and setup and maximizing the usefulness of precision agriculture technologies. This course focuses on agricultural... D.K. Shannon

4. Economics of Swarm Bot Profitability for Cotton Harvest

Improved equipment management is one way which producers can increase profits. For cotton, this is especially true due to specialized equipment used for the sole purpose of harvest. Questions are raised regarding a way to either reduce or replace traditional cotton pickers. The main alternative being discussed is an investment in autonomous “swarm bots” to replace traditional equipment. Swarm bots are fully automated robots tasked with the responsibility of picking cotton one row at... J. Cullop, T.W. Griffin, G. Ibendahl, E. Barnes, J. Shockley, J. Devine

5. Fruit Fly Electronic Monitoring System

Insects are a constant threat to agriculture, especially the cultivation of various types of fruits such as apples, pears, guava, etc. In this sense, it is worth mentioning the Anastrepha genus flies (known as fruit fly), responsible for billionaire losses in the fruit growing sector around the world, due to the severity of their attack on orchards. In Brazil, this type of pests has been controlled in most product areas by spraying insecticides, which due to the need for prior knowledge regarding... C.L. Bazzi, F.V. Silva, L. Gebler, E.G. Souza, K. Schenatto, R. Sobjak, R.S. Dos santos, A.M. Hachisuca, F. Franz

6. Yield Mapping in Fruit Farming

Due to the importance of increasing the quantity and quality of world agricultural production, the use of technologies to assist in production processes is essential. Despite this, a timid adoption by precision agriculture (PA) technologies is verified by the Brazilian fruit producers, even though it is one of the segments that had been stood out in recent years in the country's economy. In the PA context, yield maps are rich sources of information, especially by species harvested through... C.L. Bazzi, M.R. Martins, L. Gebler, E.G. Souza, K. Schenatto, R. Sobjak, A. . Hachisuca, F. Franz

7. AgDataBox: Web Platform of Data Integration, Software, and Methodologies for Digital Agriculture

Agriculture is challenging to produce more profitably, with the world population expected to reach some 10 billion people by 2050. Such a challenge can be achieved by adopting precision agriculture and digital agriculture (Agriculture 4.0). Digital agriculture has become a reality with the availability of cheaper and more powerful sensors, actuators and microprocessors, high-bandwidth cellular communication, cloud communication, and Big Data. Digital agriculture enables the flow of information... E.G. Souza, C. Bazzi, A. Hachisuca, R. Sobjak, A. Gavioli, N. Betzek, K. Schenatto, E. Mercante, M. Rodrigues, W. Moreira

8. Web Application for Automatic Creation of Thematic Maps and Management Zones - AgDataBox-Fast Track

Agriculture is challenging to produce more profitably, with the world population expected to reach some 10 billion people by 2050. Such a challenge can be achieved by adopting precision agriculture and digital agriculture (Agriculture 4.0). Digital agriculture (DA) has become a reality with the availability of cheaper and more powerful sensors, actuators and microprocessors, high-bandwidth cellular communication, cloud communication, and Big Data. DA enables information to flow from used agricultural... J. Aikes junior, E.G. Souza, C. Bazzi, R. Sobjak, A. Hachisuca, A. Gavioli, N. Betzek, K. Schenatto, W. Moreira, E. Mercante, M. Rodrigues

9. AgDataBox-IoT Application Development for Agrometeorogical Stations in Smart Farm

Currently, Brazil is one of the world’s largest grain producers and exporters. Brazil produced 125 million tons of soybean in the 2019/2020 growing season, becoming the world’s largest soybean producer in 2020. Brazil’s economic dependence on agribusiness makes investments and research necessary to increase yield and profitability. Agriculture has already entered its 4.0 version, also known as digital agriculture, when the industry has entered the 4.0 era. This new paradigm uses... A. Hachisuca, E.G. Souza, E. Mercante, R. Sobjak, D. Ganascini, M. Abdala, I. Mendes, C. Bazzi, M. Rodrigues

10. Spatial and Temporal Factors Impacting Incremental Corn Nitrogen Fertilier Use Efficiency

Current tools for making crop N fertilizer recommendations are primarily based on plot and field studies that relate the recommendation to the economic optional N rate (EONR).  Some tools rely entirely on localized EONR (e.g., MRTN). In recent years, tools have been developed or adapted to  account for within-field variation in crop N need or variable within season factors. Separately, attention continues to elevate for how N fertilizer recommendations might account for environmental... N.R. Kitchen, C.J. Ransom, J.S. Schepters, J.L. Hatfield, R. Massey

11. Use of Remotely Measured Potato Canopy Characteristics As Indirect Yield Estimators

Prediction of potato yield before harvest is important for making agronomic and marketing decisions. Active optical sensors (AOS) are rarely used together with other hand-held instruments for monitoring potato growth, including yield prediction. The aim of the research was to determine the relationship between manually and remotely measured potato crop characteristics throughout the growing season and yield in commercial potato fields. Objective was also to identify crop characteristics that most... S.M. Samborski, J. Szatylowicz, T. Gnatowski, R. Leszczyńska, M. Thornton, O. Walsh