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D, M.E
Eberle, D
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Perret, J.S
Arriaza, O.E
D, M.E
Aguilar, J
Ameglio, L
Stettler, E
Eberle, D
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Low Cost High-resolution Aerial Photogrammetric Techniques For Precision Agriculture In Latin American Countries

One of the first steps in precision agriculture is to obtain aerial images of an area of interest to determine soil units and management zones. Aerial and remote sensing information, digital elevation models and other spatial data are often inexistent in planning offices in Latin American countries and, up to now, enhancement and modifications have not been integrated into smaller scaled planning operation such as farming. High resolution remote sensing images from scanning satellites like Quickbird,... J.S. Perret, O.E. arriaza, M.E. D, J. Aguilar

2. Soil Variability Mapping with Airborne Gamma-ray Spectrometry and Magnetics

The knowledge of spatial distribution of agricultural soils physical and chemical properties is critical for profitable and sustainable crop and food production. The collection of soil data presents however obvious problems arising from sampling a dense, opaque and very heterogeneous medium. Conventional methods consisting of ground-based grid survey are laborious, expensive and lack appropriate spatial resolution to allow best farm management decision. Over the past 50 years, airborne geophysics... L. Ameglio, E. Stettler, D. Eberle