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Ghimire, B.P
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Ghimire, B.P
Adedeji, O
Lin, Z
Guo, W
Adedeji, O.I
Ghimire, B.P
Gu, H
Karn, R
Lin, Z
Guo, W
Decision Support Systems
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability of Cotton Yield Using DSSAT for Decision Support in Precision Agriculture

The quantification of spatial and temporal variability of cotton yield provides critical information for optimizing resources, especially water. The Southern High Plains (SHP) of Texas is a major cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production region with diminishing water supply. The objective of this study was to predict cotton yield variability using soil properties and topographic attributes. The DSSAT CROPGRO-Cotton model was used to simulate cotton growth, development and yield using... B.P. Ghimire, O. Adedeji, Z. Lin, W. Guo

2. Estimation of Cotton Biomass Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Satellite-based Remote Sensing

Satellite and unmanned aerial system (UAS) images are effective in monitoring crop growth at various spatial, temporal, and spectral scales. The objective of the study was to estimate cotton biomass at different growth stages using vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAS and satellite images. This research was conducted in a cotton field in Hale County, Texas, in 2021. Data collected include 54 plant samples at different locations for three dates of the growing season. Multispectral images from... O.I. Adedeji, B.P. Ghimire, H. Gu, R. Karn, Z. Lin, W. Guo