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Hughes, E.W
Hopkins, B
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Hughes, E.W
Pethybridge, S.J
Salvaggio, C
van Aardt, J
Kikkert, J.R
Turner, I
Kerry, R
Jensen, R
Woolley, E
Hansen, N
Hopkins, B
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Snap Bean Flowering Detection from UAS Imaging Spectroscopy

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (white mold) is a fungus that infects the flowers of snap beans and causes a reduction in the number of pods, and subsequent yields, due to premature pod abscission. Snap bean fields typically are treated with prophylactic fungicide applications to control white mold, once 10% of the plants have at least one flower. The holistic goal of this research is to develop spatially-explicit white mold risk models, based on inputs from remote sensing systems aboard unmanned... E.W. Hughes, S.J. Pethybridge, C. Salvaggio, J. Van aardt, J.R. Kikkert

2. Investigation of Automated Analysis of Snowmelt from Time-series Sentinel 2 Imagery to Inform Spatial Patterns of Spring Soil Moisture in the American Mountain West

Variable rate irrigation of crops is a promising approach for saving water whilst maintaining crop yields in the semi-arid American Mountain West – much of which is currently experiencing a mega drought. The first step in determining irrigation zones involves characterizing the patterns of spatial variation in soil moisture and determining if these are relatively stable temporally in relation to topographic features and soil texture. Characterizing variable rate irrigation zones is usually... I. Turner, R. Kerry, R. Jensen, E. Woolley, N. Hansen, B. Hopkins