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Vories, E
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Vories, E
Jones, A
Stevens, G
Meeks, C
Vories, E
Veum, K
Sudduth, K
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Variety Effects on Cotton Yield Monitor Calibration

While modern grain yield monitors are able to harvest variety and hybrid trials without imposing bias, cotton yield monitors are affected by varietal properties. With planters capable of site-specific planting of multiple varieties, it is essential to better understand cotton yield monitor calibration. Large-plot field experiments were conducted with two southeast Missouri cotton producers to compare yield monitor-estimated weights and observed weights in replicated variety trials. Two replications... E. Vories, A. Jones, G. Stevens, C. Meeks

2. Impact of Cover Crop and Soil Apparent Electrical Conductivity on Cotton Development and Yield

Cotton is one of the major crops in the New Madrid Seismic Zone (NMSZ) of the U.S. Lower Mississippi River Valley region. Because cotton production doesn’t leave a lot of crop residue in the field, low soil organic matter levels are common. While the benefits of crop rotation are well known, cotton is often grown year after year in the same fields for economic reasons. Soils in the region are generally quite variable, with areas of very high sand content. Winter cover crops and reduced tillage... E. Vories, K. Veum, K. Sudduth