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McNairn, H
Kempenaar, C
Mackin, S
Morales, G
Milani, I
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Stephens, P
Mackin, S
Holmes, G
van Evert, F.K
Been, T
Booij, J.A
Kempenaar, C
Kessel, G.J
Molendijk, L.P
Kross, A
Kaur, G
Callegari, D
Lapen, D
Sunohara, M
McNairn, H
Rudy, H
van Vliet, L
Kross, A
Kaur, G
Znoj, E
Callegari, D
Sunohara, M
McNairn, H
Lapen, D
Rudy, H
van Vliet, L
Morales, G
Sheppard, J.W
Peerlinck, A
Hegedus, P
Maxwell, B
Capolicchio, J
Mennuti, D
Milani, I
Fortunato, M
Petix, R
Reyes Gonzalez, J
Sunkevic, M
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Profitability and Success Stories in Precision Agriculture
Decision Support Systems
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Exploiting the Dmc Satellite Constellation for Applications in Precision Agriculture

This paper presents the unique capabilities of the DMC constellation of optical sensors, and examples of how a number of organisations around the world are exploiting this powerful data source for applications in precision farming. The DMC consists of five satellites built in the UK by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd, each carrying a wide swath (650km) optical sensor. It is an international programme of satellite ownership and groundstations, with joint campaigns being coordinated centrally... P. Stephens, S. Mackin, G. Holmes

2. Akkerweb: A Platform for Precision Farming Data, Science, and Practice

The concept of precision farming (PF) was formulated about 40 years ago and the scientific knowledge for some applications of PF in The Netherlands has been available for almost 20 years. Also, in many cases equipment is available to implement PF in practice. In spite of all this PF uptake is still limited. An important reason for the limited uptake of PF is in the challenges that must be overcome to let data flow from sensors to data storage, to combine data sources and process them into recommendations,... F.K. Van evert, T. Been, J.A. Booij, C. Kempenaar, G.J. Kessel, L.P. Molendijk

3. Spatial Decision Support System: Controlled Tile Drainage – Calculate Your Benefits

Climate projection studies suggest that extreme heat waves and floods will become more frequent, affecting future crop yields by 20%-30%, globally. Managing vulnerability and risk begins at the farm level where best management practices can reduce the impacts associated with extreme weather events. A practice that can assist in mitigating the impact of some extreme events is controlled tile drainage (CTD). With CTD, producers use water flow control structures to manage the drainage of water from... A. Kross, G. Kaur, D. Callegari, D. Lapen, M. Sunohara, H. Mcnairn, H. Rudy, L. Van vliet

4. Evaluation of an Artificial Neural Network Approach for Prediction of Corn and Soybean Yield

The ability to predict crop yield during the growing season is important for crop income, insurance projections and for evaluating food security. Yet, modeling crop yield is challenging because of the complexity of the relationships between crop growth and the interrelated predictor variables. Artificial neural networks (ANNs) are useful for such complex systems as they can capture non-linear relationships of data without explicitly knowing the underlying processes. In this study, an ANN-based... A. Kross, G. Kaur, E. Znoj, D. Callegari, M. Sunohara, H. Mcnairn, D. Lapen, H. Rudy, L. Van vliet

5. Generation of Site-specific Nitrogen Response Curves for Winter Wheat Using Deep Learning

Nitrogen response (N-response) curves are tools used to support farm management decisions. Conventionally, the N-response curve is modeled as an exponential function that aims to identify an important threshold for a given field: the economic optimum point. This is useful to determine the nitrogen rate beyond which there is no actual profit for the farmers. In this work, we show that N-response curves are not only field-specific but also site-specific and, as such, economic optimum points should... G. Morales, J.W. Sheppard, A. Peerlinck, P. Hegedus, B. Maxwell

6. Agriculture Machine Guidance Systems: Performance Analysis of Professional GNSS Receivers

GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) plays nowadays a major role in different civilian activities and is a key technology enabling innovation in different market sectors. For instance, GNSS-enabled solutions are widespread within the Precision Agriculture and, among them, applications in the field of machinery guidance are commonly employed to optimize typical agriculture practices. The scope of this paper is to present the outcomes of the agriculture testing campaign performed,... J. Capolicchio, D. Mennuti, I. Milani, M. Fortunato, R. Petix, J. Reyes gonzalez, M. Sunkevic