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Hillnhuetter, C
Hongo, C
Hanke, R
Hirakawa, A.R
Lin, Z
Levi, M
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Hongo, C
Furukawa, T
Sigit, G
Maki, M
Honma, K
Yoshida, K
Oki, K
Shirakawa, H
Junior, C.S
Hirakawa, A.R
Hongo, C
Niwa, K
Hillnhuetter, C
Mahlein, A
Sikora, R.A
Oerke, E
Tamura, E
Aijima, K
Niwa, K
Nagata, O
Wakabayashi, K
Hongo, C
Reisinger, S
Uhlmann, N
Hanke, R
Gerth, S
Araujo, A.G
Toledo, A.D
Hirakawa, A.R
Johann, A.L
Hongo, C
Ogasawara, C
Tamura, E
Sigit, G
Hongo, C
Isono, S
Sigit, G
Utoyo, B
Tamura, E
Lin, Z
Guo, W
Gill, N
Ghimire, B.P
Adedeji, O
Lin, Z
Guo, W
Adedeji, O.I
Ghimire, B.P
Gu, H
Karn, R
Lin, Z
Guo, W
Tucker, M.W
Virk, S
Harris, G
Lessl, J
Levi, M
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Information Management and Traceability
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season CropVariability
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Decision Support Systems
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
Home » Authors » Results


Filter results13 paper(s) found.

1. Estimation Of Sugar Beet Yield Brfore Harvesting Using Meteorological Data And Spot Satellite Data

    In Japan, sugar beet is only cultivated in Hokkaido, the northernmost island. The area of sugar beet cultivation in Tokachi District is 30,000ha, which is equal to about 45% of the total national production area. Because sugar beet is suited to cool weather conditions, it is an important rotation crop in Hokkaido. The production of beet sugar in Hokkaido is about 640,000 tons, which is 75... C. Hongo, K. Niwa

2. Hyperspectral Imaging Of Sugar Beet Symptoms Caused By Soil-borne Organisms

The soil-borne pathogen Rhizoctonia solani and the plant parasitic nematode Heterodera schachtii are the most important constraints in sugar beet production worldwide. Symptoms caused by fungal infection are yellowing of leaves and rotting of the beet tuber late in the cropping season. Nematode afflicted plants show stunted growth early in the cropping season and also leaf wilting late in the season when water stress often sets in. Due to the low mobility of soil-borne organisms, they are ideal... C. Hillnhuetter, A. Mahlein, R.A. Sikora, E. Oerke

3. Estimation of Rice Yield from MODIS Data in West Java, Indonesia

Chiharu Hongo1*, Takaaki Furukawa1, Gunardi Sigit2, Masayasu Maki3, Koki Honma3,... C. Hongo, T. Furukawa, G. Sigit, M. Maki, K. Honma, K. Yoshida, K. Oki, H. Shirakawa

4. Ontology for Data Representation in the Production of Cotton Fiber in Brazil

... C.S. Junior, A.R. Hirakawa

5. Creation Of Prescription For Optimal Nitrogen Fertilization Through Evaluation Of Soil Carbon Amount Using Remotely Sensed Data

    In these years, drastic increase of agricultural production costs has been induced, which was triggered by the sharp rise of costs relating to agricultural production materials such as fertilizers and oil. In Japan, the substantial negative influence is anticipated to spread over to management of the farmers particularly  in Hokkaido, the northern part of Japan. As one of the measures against this influence, a plan of effective fertilizer application and also... E. Tamura, K. Aijima, K. Niwa, O. Nagata, K. Wakabayashi, C. Hongo

6. X-Ray Computed Tomography For State Of The Art Plant And Root Analysis

During the last years, the formerly in medical applications established technique of X-ray computed tomography (CT) is used for non-destructive material analysis as well. Adapting this technique for the visualization and analysis of growth processes of plants above and underneath the soil enables new possibilities in the so called smart agriculture. Using State-of-the-art CT systems the computed 3D volume datasets allows the visualization and virtual analysis of hidden structures like roots... S. Reisinger, N. Uhlmann, R. Hanke, S. Gerth

7. Control System Applied To No-Till Seeding For High-Quality Operation

A high quality crop seeding operation should enable a rapid and uniform establishment of a desired plant population. Therefore, a no-till seeder must provide a seeding environment that allows the absorption of water by seeds and appropriate temperature and aeration conditions for germination and emergence processes. To stimulate these processes, the seed needs full contact with soil in order to accelerate the absorption of water and oxygen. Covering the furrow with straw is another important... A.G. Araujo, A.D. Toledo, A.R. Hirakawa, A.L. Johann

8. Use of Satellite Data to Improve Damage Assessment Process for Agricultural Insurance Scheme in Indonesia

Goal is to develop new method utilizing satellite data for assessment of damage in paddy field which can contribute toward substantial reduction of the damage assessment time and costs in framework of agricultural insurance in Indonesia. For the damage assessment, estimation of yield in each paddy plot is a key, so the research on the estimation of rice yield was carried out using satellite data which was acquired in harvesting season. Multiple linear regression analysis was conducted for the... C. Hongo, C. Ogasawara, E. Tamura, G. Sigit

9. Application of Drone Data to Assess Damage Intensity of Bacterial Leaf Blight Disease on Rice Crop in Indonesia

The Government of Indonesia has launched agricultural insurance program since 2016. A key in agricultural insurance is damage assessment which is required to be as precise, quick, quantitative and inexpensive as possible. Current method is to inspect the damage by human eyes of specialist having experiences. This method, however, costs much and is difficult to estimate disease infected fields precisely in wide area. So, there is increasing need to develop effective, simplified and low cost method... C. Hongo, S. Isono, G. Sigit, B. Utoyo, E. Tamura

10. Cotton Boll Detection and Yield Estimation Using UAS Lidar Data and RGB Image

Cotton boll distribution is a critical phenotypic trait that represents the plant's response to its environment. Accurate quantification of boll distribution provides valuable information for breeding cultivars with high yield and fiber quality. Manual methods for boll mapping are time-consuming and labor-intensive. We evaluated the application of Lidar point cloud and RGB image data in boll detection and distribution and yield estimation. Lidar data was acquired at 15 m using a DJI Matrice... Z. Lin, W. Guo, N. Gill

11. Modeling Spatial and Temporal Variability of Cotton Yield Using DSSAT for Decision Support in Precision Agriculture

The quantification of spatial and temporal variability of cotton yield provides critical information for optimizing resources, especially water. The Southern High Plains (SHP) of Texas is a major cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) production region with diminishing water supply. The objective of this study was to predict cotton yield variability using soil properties and topographic attributes. The DSSAT CROPGRO-Cotton model was used to simulate cotton growth, development and yield using... B.P. Ghimire, O. Adedeji, Z. Lin, W. Guo

12. Estimation of Cotton Biomass Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Satellite-based Remote Sensing

Satellite and unmanned aerial system (UAS) images are effective in monitoring crop growth at various spatial, temporal, and spectral scales. The objective of the study was to estimate cotton biomass at different growth stages using vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAS and satellite images. This research was conducted in a cotton field in Hale County, Texas, in 2021. Data collected include 54 plant samples at different locations for three dates of the growing season. Multispectral images from... O.I. Adedeji, B.P. Ghimire, H. Gu, R. Karn, Z. Lin, W. Guo

13. Effectiveness of Different Precision Soil Sampling Strategies for Site-Specific Nutrient Management in Row-Crops

Soil sampling is an important component of site-specific nutrient management in precision agriculture. While precision soil sampling strategies such as grid or zone have been around for a while, the adoption and utilization of these strategies varies considerably among the growers, especially in the southeastern United States. The selection of an appropriate grid size or management zone further differ among the users depending on several factors. In order to better understand how some of the commonly... M.W. Tucker, S. Virk, G. Harris, J. Lessl, M. Levi