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Seyhan, G.T
Smith, D.R
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Seyhan, G.T
Yegul, U
Ayık, M
Adhikari, K
Smith, D.R
Hajda, C
Owens, P.R
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Design of a Greenhouse Monitoring System Based on GSM Technologies

Nowadays, internet and mobile technologies are developing and being used in everyday life. Systems based on mobile technologies and IoT (Internet of Things) are being popular in every area of life and science. Innovative IoT applications are helping to increase the quality, quantity, sustainability and cost effectiveness of agricultural production. In this study; a system which monitors temperature, relative humidity and PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) and warns the farmer... G.T. Seyhan, U. Yegul, M. Ayık

2. Mapping Soil Health and Grain Quality Variations Across a Corn Field in Texas

Soil health is a key property of soils influencing grain yield and quality. Within-field mapping of soil health index and grain quality can help farmers and managers to adjust site-specific farm management decisions for economic benefits. A study was conducted to map within-field soil health and grain protein and oil content variations using apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) and terrain attributes as their predictors. Two hundred and two topsoil samples were analyzed to determine soil health... K. Adhikari, D.R. Smith, C. Hajda, P.R. Owens