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Wilson, D
Watanabe, K
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Ferreyra, R
Hillyer, C.C
Fuller, H.D
Craker, B
Watanabe, K
Fulton, J.P
Wilson, D
Tietje, R
Hawkins, E
Data Analytics for Production Ag
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Interoperability As an Enabler for Principled Decision-making in Irrigation: the Precision Agriculture Irrigation Language (PAIL)

Fresh water is a scarce resource, and agriculture consumes a high fraction of it worldwide. As climate change increases the likelihood of high temperatures and droughts, irrigation becomes an increasingly attractive option for managing crop production risks. Unfortunately, and despite decades of efforts by professional associations to promote the use of a principled, data-driven approach to irrigation scheduling often called scientific irrigation scheduling (SIS), the fraction of farmers... R. Ferreyra, C.C. Hillyer, H.D. Fuller, B. Craker, K. Watanabe

2. Creating Value from On-farm Research: Efields Data Workflow and Management Successes and Challenges

Farm operations today generate a large amount of data that can be difficult to properly manage. This challenge is further compounded when conducting on-farm research. The Ohio State University eFields program partners with farmers to conduct on-farm research and share results in a timely manner. Since 2017, the team has conducted and shared 987 trials across Ohio with the annual number of trials increasing from 45 to 292. This rapid increase has required development of a data workflow that streamlines... J.P. Fulton, D. Wilson, R. Tietje, E. Hawkins