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Landivar-Scoot, J.L
Liu, Z
Laor, Y
Love, D.J
Lingua, L.N
Lee, S
Lesueur, C
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Lee, S
Swinton, S.M
Lee, S
Swinton, S.M
Liu, Z
liu, X
Tian, Y
Zhu, Y
Cao, W
Cao, Q
Fassinou Hotegni, N
Karangwa, A
Manyatsi, A
Frimpong, K.A
Amri, M
Cammarano, D
Lesueur, C
Taylor, J
Phillips, S
Achigan-Dako, E
Rozenstein, O
Cohen, Y
Alchanatis , V
Behrendt, K
Bonfil, D.J
Eshel, G
Harari, A
Harris, W.E
Klapp, I
Laor, Y
Linker, R
Paz-Kagan, T
Peets, S
Rutter, M.S
Salzer, Y
Lowenberg-DeBoer, J
Lingua, L.N
Carcedo, A
Gimenez, V
Maddonni, G
Ciampitti, I
Jha, S
Krogmeier, J
Buckmaster, D
Love, D.J
Grant, R.H
Crawford, M
Brinton, C
Wang, C
Cappelleri, D
Balmos, A
Fernandez, O
Bhandari, M
Landivar-Scoot, J.L
Eldefrawy, M
Zhao, L
Landivar, J
Data Analytics for Production Ag
Land Improvement and Conservation Practices
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Country Representative Report
Drivers and Barriers to Adoption of Precision Ag Technologies or Digital Agriculture
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Filter results8 paper(s) found.

1. Comparing Profitability of Variable Rate Nitrogen Prescription Methods

Variable rate nitrogen (VRN) prescriptions have been field-tested against uniform N application for over 25 years.  VRN prescription algorithms vary in the type and cost of information they require.  To date, few studies have compared the benefits and costs of alternative VRN prescription methods. VRN prescriptions draw on diverse information, including soil and tissue N sampling, yield history (YH), and remotely sensed spectral reflectance (such as the Normalized Difference... S. Lee, S.M. Swinton

2. Opportunity Cost of Precision Conservation

Crop production and biodiversity conservation vie for limited agricultural land resources. While biodiversity conservation benefits society as a whole, it is farmers who bear the immediate economic consequences of shifting land from agricultural to conservation use. When parts of a field are put into conservation use, farmers give up the net revenue that they earned from crop production, accepting the “opportunity cost” of losing that revenue stream.  But since crop yields are... S. Lee, S.M. Swinton

3. Optimizing Nitrogen Application in Global Wheat Production by an Integrated Bayesian and Machine Learning Approach

Wheat production plays a pivotal role in global food security, with nitrogen fertilizer application serving as a critical factor. The precise application of nitrogen fertilizer is imperative to maximize wheat yield while avoiding environmental degradation and economic losses resulting from excess or inadequate usage. The integration of Bayesian and machine learning methodologies has gained prominence in the realm of agricultural research. Bayesian and machine learning based methods have great... Z. Liu, X. Liu, Y. Tian, Y. Zhu, W. Cao, Q. Cao

4. Capacity Building of African Young Scientists in Precision Agriculture Through Cross-regional Academic Mobility for Enhanced Climate-smart Agri-food System: an Intra Africa Mobility Project on Precision Agriculture

Climate change is one of the main problems affecting food and nutrition globally, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Adapting to and/or mitigating climate change in the agri-food sector requires merging information technologies, genetic innovations, and sustainable farming practices to empower the agricultural youth sector to create effective and locally adapted solutions. Precision Agriculture applied to crops (PAAC), has been advocated as a strategic solution to mitigate/adapt agriculture at... N. Fassinou hotegni, A. Karangwa, A. Manyatsi, K.A. Frimpong, M. Amri, D. Cammarano, C. Lesueur, J. Taylor, S. Phillips, E. Achigan-dako

5. Data-driven Agriculture and Sustainable Farming: Friends or Foes?

Sustainability in our food and fiber agriculture systems is inherently knowledge intensive.  It is more likely to be achieved by using all the knowledge, technology, and resources available, including data-driven agricultural technology and precision agriculture methods, than by relying entirely on human powers of observation, analysis, and memory following practical experience.  Data collected by sensors and digested by artificial intelligence (AI) can help farmers learn about synergies... O. Rozenstein, Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis , K. Behrendt, D.J. Bonfil, G. Eshel, A. Harari, W.E. Harris, I. Klapp, Y. Laor, R. Linker, T. Paz-kagan, S. Peets, M.S. Rutter, Y. Salzer, J. Lowenberg-deboer

6. Environmental Characterization for Rainfed Maize Production in the US Great Plains Region

Identifying regions with similar productivity and yield-limiting climatic factors enables the design of tailored strategies for rainfed maize (Zea mays L.) production in vulnerable environments. Within the United States (US) Great Plains region, rainfed maize production in Kansas is susceptible to weather fluctuations. This study aims to delimit environmental regions with similar crop growth conditions and to identify the main climatic factors limiting rainfed maize yield, using the state... L.N. Lingua, A. Carcedo, V. Gimenez, G. Maddonni, I. Ciampitti

7. Design of an Autonomous Ag Platform Capable of Field Scale Data Collection in Support of Artificial Intelligence

The Pivot+ Array is intended to serve as an innovative, multi-user research platform dedicated to the autonomous monitoring, analysis, and manipulation of crops and inputs at the plant scale, covering extensive areas. It will effectively address many constraints that have historically limited large-scale agricultural sensor and robotic research. This achievement will be made possible by augmenting the well-established center pivot technology, known for its autonomy, with robust power infrastructure,... S. Jha, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster, D.J. Love, R.H. Grant, M. Crawford, C. Brinton, C. Wang, D. Cappelleri, A. Balmos

8. Ground-based Imagery Data Collection of Cotton Using a Robotic Platform

In modern agriculture, technological advancements are pivotal in optimizing crop production and resource management. Integrating robotics and image processing techniques allows the efficient collection, analysis, and storage of high-resolution images crucial for monitoring crop health, identifying pest infestations, assessing growth stages, making precise management decisions and predicting yield potential. The objective of this project is to utilize the Farm-NG Amiga robot to develop an image... O. Fernandez, M. Bhandari, J.L. Landivar-scoot, M. Eldefrawy, L. Zhao, J. Landivar