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Leon Rueda, W.A
Lord, E
Lanças, K.P
Lanza, P
López-Urrea, R
Lichtenberg,, S
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Marasca, I
Casiero, D.P
Guerra, S.P
Lanças, K.P
Spadim, E.R
Masiero, F.C
Fernandes, B.B
Guerra, S.P
Lanças, K.P
Lanças, K.P
Testa, J
Fernandes, B.B
Machado, T.M
Lanza, P
Yore, A
Longchamps, L
Boatswain Jacques, A.A
Diallo, A.B
Cambouris, A
Lord, E
Fallon, E
Yore, A
Lanza, P
Longchamps, L
Lord, E
Boatswain Jacques, A.A
Diallo, A.B
Khakbazan, M
Cambouris, A
Tasissa, A
Lichtenberg,, S
Cambouris, A
Duchemin, M
Lord, E
Ziadi, N
Javed, B
Nze Memiaghe, J.D
Ramirez-Gonzalez, D.A
Rubaino Sosa, S.A
Cristancho Rojas, O.Y
Leon Rueda, W.A
Montero Pinilla, O.G
Roa Bello, J.C
Lizarazo Salcedo, I.A
Martinez Martinez, L.J
Sánchez Virosta, Ã
Gómez-Candón, D
Montoya Sevilla, F
Pérez García, Y
Jiménez Castaño, V
González Piqueras, J
López-Urrea, R
Sánchez Tomás, J
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Precision Conservation Management
Geospatial Data
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Wireless Sensor Networks and Farm Connectivity
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Scouting and Field Data collection with Unmanned Aerial Systems
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results11 paper(s) found.

1. Development Of An Hydraulic Penetrometer Data Acquisition Software

Currently , in addition to increased production , the costs reduction are focused in order to increase efficiency in production, so the modern agriculture intent to find planting methods which extract the maximum possible data about the used area for making possible to do this preparation in the most appropriate manner, considering the shortcomings of evaluating these data. This method is contained in the concepts of an agricultural practice that has been steadily growing,  the... I. Marasca, D.P. Casiero, S.P. Guerra, K.P. Lanças, E.R. Spadim

2. Spatial Variability Of Soil Compaction In Annual Cycle Of Different Culture Of Cane Sugar Land Clay Sandy

The assessment of soil compaction levels and choosing the best management system are very important in modern agriculture, aiming to prevent or at least restore their physical conditions to a satisfactory level. The renewal of sugar cane plantation happens on average every 5 or 6 years. The current way repeats a sequence compaction and decompaction events during successive cycles of sugarcane, which promotes breakdown of soil structure. During the harvesting and transportation, the... F.C. Masiero, B.B. Fernandes, S.P. Guerra, K.P. Lanças, I. Marasca

3. Instrumented Blades With Automated Control Used In Chisel Plough Acting In Variable Depths

Soil compaction is a problem that affects most of the tilled areas of Brazil, being caused by several factors, such as overloading and intense machine traffic, use of unsuitable tires for applied load and inflation pressures outside the recommendation, machines in the field with the water content of the soil not recommended and several other problems. There are available several models and systems of measuring soil compaction in Brazil; however, the sensors of the... K.P. Lanças, J. Testa, B.B. Fernandes, T.M. Machado

4. A Data Retrieval System to Support Observational Research of On-Farm Experimentation

Observational research is a powerful methodology, capable of rapidly identifying trends and patterns present in complex systems. New work seeks to apply these techniques to agronomic production systems. While data generated from on-farm experimentation are often considered anecdotal, these data hold significant importance for farmers because they originate from their distinctive agricultural systems. Combining the large volumes of farmer-collected data with remote sensing, environmental, and biophysical... P. Lanza, A. Yore, L. Longchamps

5. Incorporating Return on Investment for Profit-driven Management Zones

Adopting site-specific management practices such as profitability zones can help to stabilize long-term profit while also favoring the environment. Profitability maps are used to standardize data by converting variables into economic values ($/ha) for different cropping systems within a field. Thus, profitability maps can be used to define management zones from several years of data and show the regions within a field which are more profitable to invest in for production, or those that can be... A.A. Boatswain jacques, A.B. Diallo, A. Cambouris, E. Lord, E. Fallon

6. Using Dynamic Crop Growth Data to Assess Early Season N Status in Maize

Nitrogen (N) is perhaps the most important mineral nutrient determining crop growth and yield. Fertilizer sources can vary, but it is used in practically all cropping systems, and accounts for one of the highest input costs. Farmers often overapply N to their fields as a simple "insurance policy" to guarantee maximum yields. This can be problematic due to the volatile nature of N in the environment, as well reducing potential profits by not optimizing the rates. There... A. Yore, P. Lanza, L. Longchamps

7. Deep Learning for Predicting Yield Temporal Stability from Short Crop Rotations

Investigating the temporal stability of yield in management zones is crucial for both producers and researchers, as it helps in mitigating the adverse impacts of unpredictable disruptions and weather events. The diversification of cropping systems is an approach which leads to reduced variability in yield while improving overall field resilience. In this six-year study spanning from 2016 to 2021, we monitored 40 distinct fields owned by 10 producers situated in Quebec, Canada. These... E. Lord, A.A. Boatswain jacques, A.B. Diallo, M. Khakbazan, A. Cambouris

8. Nystrom-based Localization in Precision Agriculture Sensors

Wireless sensor networks play a pivotal role in a myriad of applications, ranging from agriculture and health monitoring and to tracking and structural health monitoring. One crucial aspect of these applications involves accurately determining the positions of the sensors. In this study, we study a novel Nystrom-based sampling protocol in which a selected group of anchor nodes, with known locations, establish communication with only a subset of the remaining sensor nodes. Leveraging partial distance... A. Tasissa, S. Lichtenberg,

9. Assessment of Soil Spatial Properties and Variability Using a Portable VIS-NIRS Soil Probe for On-farm Precision Experimentation

Assessing the spatial variability of soil properties represents an important issue for on-farm sustainable management owing to high cost of sampling densities. Actual methods of soil properties measurement are based on conventional soil sampling of one sample per ha, followed by laboratory analysis, requiring many soil extraction processes and harmful chemicals. This conventional laboratory analysis does not allow exploring spatial variation of soil properties at desired fine spatial scale. Thus,... A. Cambouris, M. Duchemin, E. Lord, N. Ziadi, B. Javed, J.D. Nze memiaghe, D.A. Ramirez-gonzalez

10. Spectral Response of Six Treatments of Soil Fertilization in Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Var. Diacol Capiro with UAS

In Colombia, potato cultivation occupies the third place among the transient crops in the country, covering approximately 160,000 hectares. It holds the first place in terms of production value, reaching US $500 million, and ranks as the second crop with the highest demand for fertilizers, constituting 20% of production costs. The departments of Cundinamarca, Boyacá, Nariño, and Antioquia are the primary potato producers, accounting for 87.8% of the total production. Traditional... S.A. Rubaino sosa, O.Y. Cristancho rojas, W.A. Leon rueda, O.G. Montero pinilla, J.C. Roa bello, I.A. Lizarazo salcedo

11. Remote and Proximal Sensing for Sustainable Water Use in Almond Orchards in Southeast Spain in a Digital Farming Context

The increasing expansion of irrigated almond orchards in regions of southeast Spain, facing water scarcity, underscores the need for a more effective and precise monitoring of the crop water status to optimize irrigation scheduling and improve crop water use efficiency. Remote and proximal sensing, combining visible, multispectral and thermal capabilities at different scales allows to estimate water needs, detect and quantify crop water stress, or identify different productivity zones within an...