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Lati , R
Love, D
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Paz Kagan, T
Lati , R
Caras, T
Zhang, Y
Bailey, J
Balmos, A
Castiblanco Rubio, F.A
Krogmeier, J
Buckmaster, D
Love, D
Zhang, J
Allen, M
Precision Agriculture for Sustainability and Environmental Protection
Edge Computing and Cloud Solutions
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Monitoring the Effects of Weed Management Strategies on Tree Canopy Structure and Growth Using UAV-LiDAR in a Young Almond Orchard

The primary objective of this study was to assess the potential effect of integrated weed management (IWM) on canopy structure and growth in a young almond orchard using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) LiDAR point cloud data. The experiment took place in the Neve Ya’ar Model Farm, with four IWM strategies tested: (1) standard herbicide-based management, (2) physical-mechanical approach, (3) cover crops, and (4) integrated weed management combining herbicide and mowing. In 2019 (pre-treatment)... T. Paz kagan, R. Lati , T. Caras

2. Enabling Field-level Connectivity in Rural Digital Agriculture with Cloud-based LoRaWAN

The widespread adoption of next-generation digital agriculture technologies in rural areas faces a critical challenge in the form of inadequate field-level connectivity. Traditional approaches to connecting people fall short in providing cost-effective solutions for many remote agricultural locations, exacerbating the digital divide. Current cellular networks, including 5G with millimeter wave technology, are urban-centric and struggle to meet the evolving digital agricultural needs, presenting... Y. Zhang, J. Bailey, A. Balmos, F.A. Castiblanco rubio, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster, D. Love, J. Zhang, M. Allen