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Prasad, R
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Ortiz, B.V
Lena, B.P
Morlin , F
Morata, G
Duarte de Val, M
Prasad, R
Gamble, A
Nguyen, A
Sharma, A
Prasad, R
Nunes, L
Francisco, E
Prasad, R
Ortiz, B.V
Abban-Baidoo , E
Worosz, M
Robinette , M
O'Connor, C
Gamble, A
Velasco, J.S
Ortiz, B.V
Nunes, L
Prasad, R
Hoogenboom, G
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
In-Season Nitrogen Management
Extension or Outreach Education of Precision Agriculture
Weather and Models for Precision Agriculture
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Filter results4 paper(s) found.

1. Can Topographic Indices Be Used for Irrigation Management Zone Delineation

Soil water movement is affected by soil physical properties and field terrain changes. The identification of within-field areas prone to excess or deficit of soil moisture could support the implementation of variable rate irrigation and adoption of irrigation scheduling strategies. This study evaluated the use of the topographic wetness index (TWI) and topographic position index (TPI) to understand and explain within-field soil moisture variability. Volumetric water content (VWC) collected in... B.V. Ortiz, B.P. Lena, F. morlin , G. Morata, M. Duarte de val, R. Prasad, A. Gamble

2. Assess the Feasibility of Remote Sensing Vegetation Index for In-season N Status Evaluation with Nitrogen Measurement from Commercial Field

Nitrogen (N) fertilization plays a crucial role in corn production in the United States. Corn, being a major commodity crop, relies heavily on N fertilization throughout its growth cycle to achieve optimal yields and maintain profitability. During this period of rapid N uptake, it's imperative for farmers to supply sufficient N at the right time to support proper crop development. However, the use of N fertilizer comes with environmental considerations as it can be susceptible to loss through... A. Nguyen, A. Sharma, R. Prasad

3. Participatory Irrigation Extension Programs to Increasing Adoption of Best Irrigation Strategies

Farmers in Alabama, Tennessee, and other US southeastern states lack experience in irrigation water management and adoption of the state-of-the-art technologies and practices to increase irrigation water use efficiency. Several federal and state-funded projects are being implemented to demonstrate and train farmers and consultants on irrigation scheduling strategies and variable rate irritation. Half a dozen on-farm demonstration sites are selected every year to evaluate, demonstrate, and train... L. Nunes, E. Francisco, R. Prasad, B.V. Ortiz, E. Abban-baidoo , M. Worosz, M. Robinette , C. O'connor, A. Gamble

4. Using Simulation Modeling to Evaluate the Corn Response to Deficit Irrigation Imposed During Reproductive Period

In Alabama, as in many regions of the southeastern states, flash droughts and rising temperatures present significant challenges to the sustainability of agricultural systems. Specifically maize, a crop with a high water demand, faces production risks due to these adverse conditions. The study explores the optimum irrigation scheduling strategies on maize (Zea mays L.) in the reproductive growth stages through the evaluation of the impact of three irrigation treatments, defined by Maximum Allowed... J.S. Velasco, B.V. Ortiz, L. Nunes, R. Prasad, G. Hoogenboom