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Wieber, E
Wieber, E.N
Wang, C
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Adedeji, O
Guo, W
Alwaseela, H
Ghimire, B
Wieber, E
Karn, R
Jha, S
Krogmeier, J
Buckmaster, D
Love, D.J
Grant, R.H
Crawford, M
Brinton, C
Wang, C
Cappelleri, D
Balmos, A
Adedeji, O
Karn, R
Ghimire, B.P
Guo, W
Wieber, E.N
Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Precision Agriculture for Sustainability and Environmental Protection
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Filter results3 paper(s) found.

1. Assessing Precision Water Management in Cotton Using Unmanned Aerial Systems and Satellite Remote Sensing

The goal of this study was to improve agricultural sustainability and water use efficiency by allocating the right amount of water at the right place and time within the field. The objectives were to assess the effect of variable rate irrigation (VRI) on cotton growth and yield and evaluate the application of satellites and Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in capturing the spatial and temporal patterns of cotton growth response to irrigation. Irrigation treatments with six replications of three different... O. Adedeji, W. Guo, H. Alwaseela, B. Ghimire, E. Wieber, R. Karn

2. Design of an Autonomous Ag Platform Capable of Field Scale Data Collection in Support of Artificial Intelligence

The Pivot+ Array is intended to serve as an innovative, multi-user research platform dedicated to the autonomous monitoring, analysis, and manipulation of crops and inputs at the plant scale, covering extensive areas. It will effectively address many constraints that have historically limited large-scale agricultural sensor and robotic research. This achievement will be made possible by augmenting the well-established center pivot technology, known for its autonomy, with robust power infrastructure,... S. Jha, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster, D.J. Love, R.H. Grant, M. Crawford, C. Brinton, C. Wang, D. Cappelleri, A. Balmos

3. Evaluating the Impact of Irrigation Rate, Timing, and Maturity-based Cotton Cultivars on Yield and Fiber Quality in West Texas

In West Texas, effective irrigation is crucial for sustainable cotton production given the water scarcity from the declining Ogallala aquifer and erratic rainfall patterns. A three-year study (2020-2022) investigated irrigation rate and timing effects on early to mid-season cotton maturity groups. Five treatments, including rainfed (W1 or LLL) and variations in irrigation rates at growth stages (P1 to P4), were applied. Evaluation involved six to seven cotton cultivars from four maturity groups,... O. Adedeji, R. Karn, B.P. Ghimire, W. Guo, E.N. Wieber