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Cugnasca, C.E
Cardon, G.E
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Cugnasca, C.E
Santos, I.M
Benavente, J.C
Cugnasca, C.E
Barros, M.F
Santos, H.P
http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, G
Barros, M.F
Cugnasca, C.E
Congona Benavente, J
Amakor, X
Jacobson, A.R
Cardon, G.E
Hawks, A
Barnes, W
Santos, C
Weschter, E.O
Dota, M.A
Cugnasca, C.E
Mostaço, G.M
Campos, L.B
Cugnasca, C.E
Souza, I.R
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Engineering Technologies and Advances
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change, Standards)
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Changes Of Data Sampling Procedure To Avoid Energy And Data Losses During Microclimates Monitoring With Wireless Sensor Networks

... J.C. Benavente, C.E. Cugnasca, M.F. Barros, H.P. Santos, G. Http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac

2. An Inter-connection Model Between Standard Zigbee And Isobus Network (ISO11783)

The typical five-step cyclical process of precision agriculture includes soil and environment data collection, diagnosis, data analysis, precision field correction operation and evaluations. Usually, some steps are executed in field, others in the farm office and others in both. This can result in a complex system and consequently in waste of time and high cost in equipment, tools and workmanship. To simplify this process, the challenge is running... M.F. Barros, C.E. Cugnasca, J. Congona benavente

3. Apparent Electrical Conductivity Calibration In Semiarid Soils: Ion-pair Correction

The electromagnetic induction sensor (EM38DD) is a field proven portable sensor for rapid measurement of the apparent electrical conductivity (ECa) of soils. Calibration with the electrical conductivity of saturation paste extracts is the most widely used method to correlate ECa with the effective electrical conductivity (ECe). A drawback of this method is the formation of ion pairs in the high ionic strength saturated paste extracts, which effectively decreases the measured ECe, leading to the... X. Amakor, A.R. Jacobson, G.E. Cardon, A. Hawks, W. Barnes

4. Pesticide Drift Control with Wireless Sensor Networks

Precision Agriculture is an agricultural practice that uses technology based on the principle of variability. The geographically referenced data implement the process of agricultural automation so as to dose fertilizers and pesticides. The efficient application of low cost pesticides without contamination the environment is an agricultural production challenge. The main effect to be avoided during application is pesticide drift. To minimize it is important to know the environmental conditions,... C.E. Cugnasca, I.M. Santos

5. Radio Frequency Identification For Implementing Traceability In The Cotton Production In The Brazilian Midwest

According to the International Cotton Advisory Committee - ICAC projection for the fiber in cotton production for the crop year 2012/2013 is expected to reach an amount of 15.19 million tons , according to a forecast released in August 2012 . In the Brazilian context , according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply of Brazil cotton cultivation in Brazil has grown especially in the Midwest . In particular , exports of cotton fiber increased twice in one season in 2003/2004... C. Santos, E.O. Weschter, M.A. Dota, C.E. Cugnasca

6. AgronomoBot: A Smart Answering Chatbot Applied to Agricultural Sensor Networks

Mobile devices advanced adoption has fostered the creation of various messaging applications providing convenience and practicality in general communication. In this sense, new technologies arise bringing automatic, continuous and intelligent features for communication through messaging applications by using web robots, also called Chatbots. Those are computer programs that simulate a real conversation between humans to answer questions or do tasks, giving the impression that the person is talking... G.M. Mostaço, L.B. Campos, C.E. Cugnasca, I.R. Souza