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Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Adamchuk, V.I
Balmos, A
Bazzi, C.L
Bishop, T.F
Biswas, A
Boini, A
Bouroubi, Y
Bresilla, K
Buckmaster, D
Bugnet, P
Bélec, C
Cammarano, D
Chiang, R.C
Colley III, R
Cooper, J
Craker, B.E
Danford, D.D
Douridas, N
Draye, X
Drexler, D
Fajardo, M
Ferreyra, R
Filippi, P
Fleming, K
Fulton, J
Gavioli, A
Gosselin, C
Grappadelli, L.C
Hand, K.J
Hauser, J.S
Helga, W
Hinsinger, P
Huang, H
Jasse, E.P
Jha, S
Ji, W
Jones, E.J
Kantipudi, K
Kechadi, M
Krogmeier, J
Laacouri, A
Lai, C
Le-Khac, N
Longchamps, L
Magalhães, P.S
Manfrini, L
Martre, P
Michelon, G.K
Min, C
Morandi, B
Mulla, D
Nagel, P
Nelson, K.J
Ngo, V.M
Nguyen-Xuan, T
Nigon, T
Nobakhti, A
Pecchioni, N
Perulli, G
Port, K
Pourshamsaei, H
Rabe, N
Rainbow, R
Rhea, S.T
Saifuzzaman, M
Saraswat, D
Schenatto, K
Sessitsch, A
Souza, E.G
Stelford, M.W
Trindall, J
Vigneault, P
Voicu, A
Wagner, P
Wang, Y
Ward, M.D
Whelan, B.M
Wilson, J.A
Yang, C
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results18 paper(s) found.

1. Using Deep Learning - Convolutional Naural Networks (CNNS) for Real-Time Fruit Detection in the Tree

Image/video processing for fruit detection in the tree using hard-coded feature extraction algorithms have shown high accuracy on fruit detection during recent years. While accurate, these approaches even with high-end hardware are still computationally intensive and too slow for real-time systems. This paper details the use of deep convolution neural networks architecture based on single-stage detectors. Using deep-learning techniques eliminates the need for hard-code specific features for s... K. Bresilla, L. Manfrini, A. Boini, G. Perulli, B. Morandi, L.C. Grappadelli

2. Digital Transformation of Canadian Agri-Food

Agriculture in Canada is on the cusp of a dramatic revolution as a result of the digital transformation of the industry driven by the emergence of tools such as Precision Agri-Food Technologies and the Internet of Things (IoT, a network of interconnected physical devices capable of connecting to the internet). With the expected exponential growth of data from the application of innovative technologies such as IoT by the Canadian Agri-Food industry, Canada has the potential to gain valuable in... K.J. Hand

3. Optimal Sensor Placement for Field-Wide Estimation of Soil Moisture

Soil moisture is one of the most important parameters in precision agriculture. While techniques such as remote sensing seems appropriate for moisture monitoring over large areas, they generally do not offer sufficiently fine resolution for precision work, and there are time restrictions on when the data is available. Moreover, while it is possible to get high resolution-on demand data, but the costs are often prohibitive for most developing countries. Direct ground level measuremen... H. Pourshamsaei, A. Nobakhti

4. A Case Study Comparing Machine Learning and Vegetation Indices for Assessing Corn Nitrogen Status in an Agricultural Field in Minnesota

Compact hyperspectral sensors compatible with UAV platforms are becoming more readily available. These sensors provide reflectance in narrow spectral bands while covering a wide range of the electromagnetic spectrum. However, because of the narrow spectral bands and wide spectral range, hyperspectral data analysis can benefit greatly from data mining and machine learning techniques to leverage its power. In this study, rainfed corn was grown during the 2017 growing season using four nitrogen ... A. Laacouri, T. Nigon, D. Mulla, C. Yang

5. Weed Detection Among Crops by Convolutional Neural Networks with Sliding Windows

One of the primary objectives in the field of precision agriculture is weed detection. Detecting and expunging weeds in the initial stages of crop growth with deep learning technique can minimize the usage of herbicides and maximize the crop yield for the farmers. This paper proposes a sliding window approach for the detection of weed regions using convolutional neural networks. The proposed approach involves two processes: (1) Image extraction and labelling, (2) building and training our neu... K. Kantipudi, C. Lai, C. Min, R.C. Chiang

6. Changing the Cost of Farming: New Tools for Precision Farming

Accurate prescription maps are essential for effective variable rate fertilizer application.  Grid soil sampling has most frequently been used to develop these prescription maps.  Past research has indicated several technical and economic limitations associated with this approach.  There is a need to keep the number of samples to a minimum while still allowing a reasonable level of map quality.  As can be seen, precision agriculture managemen... P. Nagel, K. Fleming

7. On-Farm Digital Solutions and Their Associated Value to North American Farmers

Digital tools and data collection have become standard in a wide variety of present day agricultural operations. An array of digital tools, such as high resolution operational mapping, remote sensing, and farm management software offer solutions to many of the problems in modern agriculture. These technologies and services can, if implemented correctly, provide both immediate and long term agronomic value. A growing number of producers in Ohio and around North America question the proper meth... R. Colley iii, J. Fulton, N. Douridas, K. Port

8. An Efficient Data Warehouse for Crop Yield Prediction

Nowadays, precision agriculture combined with modern information and communications technologies, is becoming more common in agricultural activities such as automated irrigation systems, precision planting, variable rate applications of nutrients and pesticides, and agricultural decision support systems. In the latter, crop management data analysis, based on machine learning and data mining, focuses mainly on how to efficiently forecast and improve crop yield. In recent years, raw and semi-pr... V.M. Ngo, N. Le-khac, M. Kechadi

9. AgDataBox – API (Application Programming Interface)

E-agricultural is an emerging field focusing in the enhancement of agriculture and rural development through improve in information and data processing. The data-intensive characteristic of these domains is evidenced by the great variety of data to be processed and analyzed. Countrywide estimates rely on maps, spectral images from satellites, and tables with rows for states, regions, municipalities, or farmers. Precision agriculture (PA) relies on maps of within field variability of soil and ... C.L. Bazzi, E.P. Jasse, E.G. Souza, P.S. Magalhães, G.K. Michelon, K. Schenatto, A. Gavioli

10. Accelerating Precision Agriculture to Decision Agriculture: Enabling Digital Agriculture in Australia

For more than two decades, the success of Australia’s agricultural and rural sectors has been supported by the work of the Rural Research and Development Corporations (RDCs). The RDCs are funded by industry and government. For the first time, all fifteen of Australia’s RDC’s have joined forces with the Australian government to design a solution for the use of big data in Australian agriculture. This is the first known example of a nationwide approach for the digital transfor... J. Trindall, R. Rainbow

11. Pest Detection on UAV Imagery Using a Deep Convolutional Neural Network

Presently, precision agriculture uses remote sensing for the mapping of crop biophysical parameters with vegetation indices in order to detect problematic areas, and then send a human specialist for a targeted field investigation. The same principle is applied for the use of UAVs in precision agriculture, but with finer spatial resolutions. Vegetation mapping with UAVs requires the mosaicking of several images, which results in significant geometric and radiometric problems. Furthermore, even... Y. Bouroubi, P. Bugnet, T. Nguyen-xuan, C. Bélec, L. Longchamps, P. Vigneault, C. Gosselin

12. Forecasting Crop Yield Using Multi-Layered, Whole-Farm Data Sets and Machine Learning

The ultimate goal of Precision Agriculture is to improve decision making in the business of farming. Many broadacre farmers now have a number of years of crop yield data for their fields which are often augmented with additional spatial data, such as apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa), soil gamma radiometrics, terrain attributes and soil sample information. In addition there are now freely available public datasets, such as rainfall, digital soil maps and archives of satellite remote... P. Filippi, E.J. Jones, M. Fajardo, B.M. Whelan, T.F. Bishop

13. Shared Protocols and Data Template in Agronomic Trials

Due to the overlap of many disciplines and the availability of novel technologies, modern agriculture has become a wide, interdisciplinary endeavor, especially in Precision Agriculture. The adoption of a standard format for reporting field experiments can help researchers to focus on the data rather than on re-formatting and understanding the structure of the data. This paper describes how a European consortium plans to: i) create a “handbook” of protocols for reporting definition... D. Cammarano, D. Drexler, P. Hinsinger, P. Martre, X. Draye, A. Sessitsch, N. Pecchioni, J. Cooper, W. Helga, A. Voicu

14. Improving the Use of Artificial Neural Networks for 
Site-Specific Nitrogen Fertilization

For the planning of site-specific nitrogen fertilization, adequate decision rules are needed. Prerequisite for site specific nitrogen fertilization is the site specific forecast of yield. For this the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) has proven particularly interesting. Therefore, ANN based small-scale yield forecasts are realized in order to deviate the economic optimum of fertilization. The basis of yield forecasts with ANN are different site-specific input variables that have presum... J.S. Hauser, P. Wagner

15. Data Clustering Tools for Understanding Spatial Heterogeneity in Crop Production by Integrating Proximal Soil Sensing and Remote Sensing Data

Remote sensing (RS) and proximal soil sensing (PSS) technologies offer an advanced array of methods for obtaining soil property information and determining soil variability for precision agriculture. A large amount of data collected using these sensors may provide essential information for precision or site-specific management in a production field. In this paper, we introduced a new clustering technique was introduced and compared with existing clustering tools for determining relatively hom... M. Saifuzzaman, V.I. Adamchuk, H. Huang, W. Ji, N. Rabe, A. Biswas

16. Data-Driven Agricultural Machinery Activity Anomaly Detection and Classification

In modern agriculture, machinery has become the one of the necessities in providing safe, effective and economical farming operations and logistics. In a typical farming operation, different machines perform different tasks, and sometimes are used together for collaborative work. In such cases, different machines are associated with representative activity patterns, for example, in a harvest scenario, combines move through a field following regular swaths while grain carts follow irregular pa... Y. Wang, A. Balmos, J. Krogmeier, D. Buckmaster

17. ADAPT: A Rosetta Stone for Agricultural Data

Modern farming requires increasing amounts of data exchange among hardware and software systems. Precision agriculture technologies were meant to enable growers to have information at their fingertips to keep accurate farm records (and calculate production costs), improve decision-making and promote effi­cien­cies in crop management, enable greater traceability, and so forth. The attainment of these goals has been limited by the plethora of proprietary, incompatible data formats among... D.D. Danford, K.J. Nelson, S.T. Rhea, M.W. Stelford, R. Ferreyra, J.A. Wilson, B.E. Craker

18. Analyzing Trends for Agricultural Decision Support System Using Twitter Data

The trends and reactions of the general public towards global events can be analyzed using data from social platforms, including Twitter. The number of tweets has been reported to help detect variations in communication traffic within subsets like countries, age groups and industries. Similarly, publicly accessible data and (in particular) data from social media about agricultural issues provide a great opportunity for obtaining instantaneous snapshots of farmers’ opinions and a method ... S. Jha, D. Saraswat, M.D. Ward