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Guidance, Auto Steer, and GPS Systems
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Precision Weed Management
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Avanzi, J.C
Balkcom, K
Blanche, D
Borghi, E
Bortolon, E.S
Bortolon, L
Burns, D
English, B.C
Frazier, R
Freitas, A.A
Fulton, J.P
Fulton, J.P
Golus, J.A
Griffin, T
Gupta, M
Husband, S.C
Inamasu, R.Y
Klein, R.N
Klein, R.N
Kruse, D
Lambert, D.M
Larson, J.A
Lee, C
Leroux, G.D
Longchamps, L
Longchamps, L
Luchiari Junior, A
Luck, J.D
Mishra, A.K
Ortiz, B
Overstreet, D
Pandit, M
Panneton, B
Panneton, B
Paudel, K.P
Pitla, S.K
Roberts, R.K
Roger, T
Segarra, E
Sharda, A
Shearer, S.A
Shockley, J
Simard, M
Simard, M
Theriault, R
Theriault, R
Thompson, N.M
Velandia, M
Wagner, P
Wang, C
Wilson, R
Precision Weed Management
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Guidance, Auto Steer, and GPS Systems
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Filter results14 paper(s) found.

1. Using GPS-RTK In Crop Variety And Hybrid Evaluations

The traditional methods used by many to conduct research in crop variety and hybrid evaluations is to blank plant the area, flag the area, or use a physical marker. All of these have disadvantages. In blank planting it may be difficult to plant exactly in the same rows, and can dry the soil and affect seed germination if soil water is limited. Blank planting also destroys crop residues and with skip-row residues are destroyed in the unplanted rows.This method is used for many plots in c... R.N. Klein, J.A. Golus

2. Profitability Of RTK Autoguidance And Its Influence On Peanut Production

Efficient harvest of peanuts (Arachis hypogea L.) requires that the digging implement be accurately positioned directly over the target rows. Small driving... K. Balkcom, B. Ortiz, J. Shockley, J.P. Fulton

3. The Cost Of Dependence Upon GPS-enabled Navigation Technologies

The adoption of global positioning system (GPS) technology to fine-tune agricultural field operations over the last decade has been unprecedented relative to other agricultural technologies. Resultantly, as agricultural machinery size and capacity increased, field operations have become much more precise due to the synergistic relationship between farm machinery and GPS-enabled guidance technology. With increased dependence upon GPS technology, one must ask “What are the risks associate... C. Lee, T. Griffin

4. Sensing The Inter-row For Real-time Weed Spot Spraying In Conventionally Tilled Corn Fields

The spatial distribution of weeds is aggregated most of the time in crop fields. Site-specific management of weeds could result in economical and environmental benefits due to he... L. Longchamps, B. Panneton, M. Simard, R. Theriault, T. Roger

5. Partial Weed Scouting For Exhaustive Real-time Spot Spraying Of Herbicides In Corn

Real-time spot spraying of weeds implies the use of plant detectors ahead of a sprayer. The range of weed spatial autocorrelation perpendicularly to crop rows is often greater than the space between the corn rows. To assess the possibility of using less than one plant detector scouting each inter-row, a one hectare field was entirely sampled with ground pictures at the appropriate timing for weed spraying. Different ways of disposing the detectors ahead of the sprayer were virtually tested. S... L. Longchamps, B. Panneton, G.D. Leroux, M. Simard, R. Theriault

6. GPS Guidance Of Mechanized Site Preparation In Forestry Plantations: A Precision Forestry Approach

      Application of GPS guidance to mechanized site preparation in forestry plantations: a precision forestry approach   By Steve Husband        (Paper proposed for 10th International Conference   on Precision Agriculture 2010)   ... S.C. Husband

7. Generating Herbicide Effective Application Rate Maps Based On GPS Position, Nozzle Pressure, And Boom Section Actuation Data Collected From Sprayer Control Systems

The application of pre- and post- emergence burn-down herbicides (i.e., glyphosate) continues to increase as producers attempt to reduce both negative environmental impacts from tillage and input costs from labor, machinery and materials.  The use of precision agriculture technologies such as automatic boom section control allows producers to reduce off-target application when applying herbicides.  While automatic boom section control has provided benefits, pressure differences acro... J.D. Luck, A. Sharda, S.K. Pitla, J.P. Fulton, S.A. Shearer

8. Effect Of Precision Guided Cultivation On Weed Control In Wide Row Cropping Systems

Wide row cropping has been traditionally followed in summer crops but it is also becoming popular in winter crops such as chickpeas and lupins.  High precision guidance systems with 2 cm accuracy offer unique opportunities to cultivate closer to the row and increase weed control efficiency in wide row cropping systems. Two field experiments were conducted in chickpeas with a Real Time Kinematic Differential Global Positioning System (RTK-DGPS) controlled mechanical cultivation. Cultivati... M. Gupta, ,

9. Using Crop Budgeting Spreadsheets Can Assist Producers In Evaluating The Cost Effectiveness Of Adoption Of The Various Precision Agriculture Technologies

Producers asked the question which Precision Agriculture Technologies can be economical in my farming operation?  The use of easily modified crop budgets can help the producer evaluate the technologies and how they affect the profitability of one’s agricultural enterp... R.N. Klein, R. Wilson

10. On-Farm Trials Using Precision Ag in Northeast Louisiana

The availability of yield monitors and precision application equipment on producers’ farms have made it much easier for researchers to take the results from experiment station trials and apply them to producers’ fields.  Treatments/methods are applied in strips, by prescription, embedded plots or in combination.  Fields are divided into zones for analyzing the harvest yield data.  These can include soil type, soil Ec, or other criteria.  Treatments are analyzed... D. Burns, D. Overstreet, D. Kruse, R. Frazier, D. Blanche

11. The Use of Artificial Neuronal Networks to Generate Decision Rules for Site-Specific Nitrogen Fertilization

The basis for successful and sustainable agriculture is the utilization of adequate decision rules. When it comes to precision farming, these rules have to be applied to each sub-field, where they determine the actions to be taken. There are many possibilities for achieving site-specific information for a field (e.g. measuring the electrical conductivity of soil or yield mapping). But which rules should be used to link this information with profit maximization treatment recommendati... P. Wagner

12. The Adoption of Information Technologies and Subsequent Changes in Input Use in Cotton Production

The use of precision farming has become increasingly important in cotton production. It allows farmers to take advantage of knowledge about infield variability by applying expensive inputs at levels appropriate to crop needs. Essential to the success of the p... N.M. Thompson, J.A. Larson, B.C. English, D.M. Lambert, R.K. Roberts, M. Velandia, C. Wang

13. Adoption and Non-Adoption of Precision Farming Technologies by Cotton Farmers

  We used the 2009 Southern Cotton Precision Farming Survey data collected from farmers in twelve U.S. states (Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Missouri, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia) to identify reasons on why some adopt and others do not adopt precision farming techniques. Those farmers who provided the cost as the reason for non-adoption are farmers characterized by lower educatio... A.K. Mishra, M. Pandit, K.P. Paudel, E. Segarra

14. Adoption and Tendencies of Precision Agriculture Technologies in the Tocantins State, Brazil

Although precision agriculture is widely used throughout Brazilian crop production, it has not been used to increase the efficiency use of agricultural inputs. Besides, technologies available have not bee... L. Bortolon, E. Borghi, A. Luchiari junior, E.S. Bortolon, A.A. Freitas, R.Y. Inamasu, J.C. Avanzi