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Castillejo-Gonz, I
Castell, A
Grego, C.R
Ghebremichael, L.T
Greer, K
Castrignanò, A
Ghimire, B
Chen, P.L
Gebbers, R
Add filter to result:
Betz, A
Benny, H
Jens, M
Özyurtlu, M
Pflanz, M
Rachow-Autrum, T
Schischmanow, A
Scheele, M
Schrenk, J
Schrenk, L
Zude, M
Gebbers, R
Greer, K
Burns, J
Bremer, E
Mueller, T
Corá, J
Castrignanò, A
Rodrigues, M
Rienzi, E
Garcia-Torres, L
Gomez-Candon, D
Caballero-Novella, J.J
Gomez-Casero, M
Pe, J.M
Jurado-Exp, M
Lopez-Granados, F
Castillejo-Gonz, I
Garc, A
Bernardi, A.C
Grego, C.R
Andrade, R.G
Vaz, C.M
Rabello, L.M
Inamasu, R.Y
Veith, T.L
Ghebremichael, L.T
Garcia-Torres, L
Gomez-Candon, D
Caballero-Novella, J.J
Pe, J.M
Jurado-Exp, M
Castillejo-Gonz, I
Garc, A
Lopez-Granados, F
Prassack, L
Unamunzaga, O
Castell, A
Besga, G
Perez-Parmo, R
Aizpurua, A
Greer, K
Chen , J
Chen, P.L
Zhao, J.C
Wang, S.Y
Li, J.C
Zhang, Q
Hu, T.H
Shi, G.L
Gebbers, R
Dworak, V
Mahns, B
Weltzien, C
Büchele, D
Gornushkin, I
Mailwald, M
Ostermann, M
Rühlmann, M
Schmid, T
Maiwald, M
Sumpf, B
Rühlmann, J
Bourouah, M
Scheithauer, H
Heil, K
Heggemann, T
Leenen, M
Pätzold, S
Welp, G
Chudy, T
Mizgirev, A
Wagner, P
Beitz, T
Kumke, M
Riebe, D
Kersebaum, C
Wallor, E
Ghimire, B
Lacerda, L
Bourlai, T
Precision Horticulture
Modeling and Geo-statistics
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Nutrient Management
Precision Conservation
Optimizing Farm-level use of Spatial Technologies
Profitability, Sustainability and Adoption
Precision Nutrient Management
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results12 paper(s) found.

1. Sectioning And Assessment Remote Images For Precision Agriculture: The Case Of Orobanche Crenate In Pea Crop

  The software SARI® has been developed to implement precision agriculture strategies through remote sensing imagery. It is written in IDL® and works as an add-on of ENVI®. It has been designed to divide remotely sensed imagery into “micro-images”, each corresponding to a small area (“micro-plot”), and to determine the quantitative agronomic and/or environmental biotic (i.e. weeds, pathogens) and/or non-biotic (i.e. nutrient levels) indicator/s... L. Garcia-torres, D. Gomez-candon, J.J. Caballero-novella, M. Gomez-casero, J.M. Pe, M. Jurado-exp, F. Lopez-granados, I. Castillejo-gonz, A. Garc

2. Spatial Variability Of Crop And Soil Properties In A Crop-livestock Integrated System

The knowledge of spatial variability soil properties is useful in the rational use of inputs, as in the site specific application of lime and fertilizer. The objective of this work was to map and evaluate the spatial variability of the crop, soil chemical and physical properties. The study was conducted in 2 areas of 6.9 and 11.7 ha of a Typic Haplustox in Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil. The summer crops corn and sorghum were sowed together to the forage crop Brachiaria brizantha in the system of crop-pasture... A.C. Bernardi, C.R. Grego, R.G. Andrade, C.M. Vaz, L.M. Rabello, R.Y. Inamasu

3. Determining Whole-farm Conservation Solutions For Small Farms In Northeastern United States

Optimal water quality pollution control comes from locating critical nonpoint source pollution areas within a watershed and applying site-specific conservation practices. However, management decisions are implemented at the farm-level. While site-specific conservation practices are crucial for environmental protection, reduction strategies must have economic benefit to the producer if they are to be implemented and maintained. Increased fuel, fertilizer, and grain prices are greatly impacting... T.L. Veith, L.T. Ghebremichael

4. Management Of Remote Imagery For Precision Agriculture

Satellite and airborne remotely sensed images cover large areas, which normally include dozens of agricultural plots. Agricultural operations such as sowing, fertilization, and pesticide applications are designed for the whole plot area, i.e. 5 to 20 ha, or through precision agriculture. This takes into account the spatial variability of biotic and of abiotic factors and uses diverse technologies to apply inputs at variable rates, fitted to the needs of each small defined area, i.e. 25 to 200... L. Garcia-torres, D. Gomez-candon, J.J. Caballero-novella, J.M. Pe, M. Jurado-exp, I. Castillejo-gonz, A. Garc, F. Lopez-granados, L. Prassack

5. Spatial And Vertical Distribution Of Soil P, K, And Mg Content In A Vineyard Of The Do Ca Rioja Using Grid And Target Sampling Methods

  Knowledge of spatial variability of soil nutrient contents is very important to design a fertilization strategy based on the needs of the vine. Matching fertilization and nutritional plant needs is very important due to the influence of nutritional status of vineyards on productive and qualitative factors. The aim of this work was to study the spatial and vertical variability of P, K and Mg in a vineyard soil by two methods: (i) the grid sampling at three depth ranges (0-30,... O. Unamunzaga, A. Castell, G. Besga, R. Perez-parmo, A. Aizpurua

6. Optimizing N, P, K, And S Application Across Landscapes In The Northern Great Plains Using The Plant Root Simulator (PRS™ ) Technology.

  Early papers on precision farming focused on variable rate fertilization and variable spraying technology (Roberts, 1996).  The adoption of this 1st round of precision farming was acknowledged to be a “dead horse” (Mangold, 2000).  These authors put forward the notion that farmers needed better tools to decide if the intensive management of fertilizer would result in a significant reduction in input costs, or a significant increase in crop yields. ... K. Greer

7. OptiThin - Precision Fruiticulture by Tree-Specific Mechanical Thinning

Apple cultivars show biennial fluctuations in yields (alternate bearing). The phenomenon is induced by reduced yields in one year due to freeze damage, low pollination rate or other reasons. Consequently, trees develop many flower buds that blossom in the following year. The many flowers lead to a high number of small fruits that won’t be accepted on the market. Endogenous factors (phytohormones and carbohydrate allocation) subsequently establish the biennial cycle. The alternate bearing... A. Betz, H. Benny, M. Jens, M. Özyurtlu, M. Pflanz, T. Rachow-autrum, A. Schischmanow, M. Scheele, J. Schrenk, L. Schrenk, M. Zude, R. Gebbers

8. Evaluation of PRS(TM) Probe Technology and Model for Variable Rate Fertilizer Application in Hummocky Fields in Saskatchewan

... K. Greer, J. Burns, E. Bremer

9. Spatial and Temporal Variability of Corn Grain Yield as a Function of Soil Parameters, and Climate Factors

Effective site-specific management requires an understanding the influence of soil and weather on yield variability. Our objective was to examine the influence of soil, precipitation, and temperature on spatial and temporal corn grain yield variability.  The study site (10 by 250 -m in size) was located in Jaboticabal, São Paulo State, on a Rhodic Hapludox. Corn yield (planted with 0.9-m spacing) was measured... T. Mueller, J. Corá, A. Castrignanò, M. Rodrigues, E. Rienzi

10. Yield, Residual Nitrogen and Economic Benefit of Precision Seeding and Laser Land Leveling for Winter Wheat

Rapid socio-economic changes in China, such as land conversion and urbanization etc., are creating new scopes for application of precision agriculture (PA). It remains unclear the application effective and economic benefits of precision agriculture technologies in China. In this study, our specific goal was to analyze the impact of precision seeding and laser land leveling on winter wheat yield,... J. Chen , P.L. Chen, J.C. Zhao, S.Y. Wang, J.C. Li, Q. Zhang, T.H. Hu, G.L. Shi

11. Integrated Approach to Site-specific Soil Fertility Management

In precision agriculture the lack of affordable methods for mapping relevant soil attributes is a funda­mental problem. It restricts the development and application of advanced models and algorithms for decision making. The project “I4S - Integrated System for Site-Specific Soil Fertility Management” combines new sensing technologies with dynamic soil-crop models and decision support systems. Using sensors with different measurement principles improves the estimation of soil fertility... R. Gebbers, V. Dworak, B. Mahns, C. Weltzien, D. Büchele, I. Gornushkin, M. Mailwald, M. Ostermann, M. Rühlmann, T. Schmid, M. Maiwald, B. Sumpf, J. Rühlmann, M. Bourouah, H. Scheithauer, K. Heil, T. Heggemann, M. Leenen, S. Pätzold, G. Welp, T. Chudy, A. Mizgirev, P. Wagner, T. Beitz, M. Kumke, D. Riebe, C. Kersebaum, E. Wallor

12. Evaluating the Impact of Vegetation Indices on Plant Nitrogen Uptake Prediction: a Comparative Study of Regression Models at Various Growth Stages

Nitrogen and water play crucial roles in impacting both the health and yield of corn crops. However, their demands vary under different soil and weather conditions. Unfortunately, current nitrogen management practices in irrigated fields in the state of Georgia overlook this variability. Thus, this oversight may lead to insufficient nitrogen application, causing plant stress or excessive nitrogen application that can lead to environmental impact. To address this challenge, a precise assessment... B. Ghimire, L. Lacerda, T. bourlai