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Reich, R
Rodriguez, M
Rosen, C
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Naser, M.A
Khosla, R
Haley, S
Reich, R
Longchamps, L
Moragues, M
Buchleiter, G.W
McMaster, G.S
Naser, M.A
Khosla, R
Reich, R
Haley, S
Longchamps, L
Moragues, M
Buchleiter, G.W
McMaster, G.S
Nigon, T.J
Rosen, C
Mulla, D
Cohen, Y
Alchanatis, V
Rud, R
Cohen, Y
Alchanatis, V
Heuer, B
Lemcoff, H
Sprintsin, M
Rosen, C
Mulla, D
Nigon, T
Dar, Z
Cohen, A
Levi, A
Brikman, R
Markovits, T
Rud, R
Rodriguez, M
Civeira, G
Urricariet, S
Muschietti, P
Lavado, R
Mzuku, M
Khosla, R
Reich, R
http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, G
Smith, F
MacDonald, L
Longchamps, L
Khosla, R
Reich, R
Bohman, B
Mulla, D
Rosen, C
Wakahara, S
Miao, Y
Gupta, S
Rosen, C
Mizuta, K
Zhang, J
Li, D
Wakahara, S
Miao, Y
Gupta, S
Rosen, C
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Precision Conservation
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Agriculture and Climate Change
In-Season Nitrogen Management
In-Season Nitrogen Management
In-Season Nitrogen Management
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Filter results10 paper(s) found.

1. The Application Of Fertilizer Using Management Zone (MZ) In Pampas Soils With Texture Variability Affects Residual Nitrate After Harvest

          The maize yields are usually associated with soil texture heterogeneity in western Argentinean Pampas.  In this area, the uniform fertilizer management (UM) increased the risk of nitrate leaching due to over-fertilizing but it could be minimized by using different management zones criteria (MZ). In a field experiment, the nitrates distribution in soil depth (0-1.80 m) at sowing and harvest times (residual Nitrate) and the maize... M. Rodriguez, G. Civeira, S. Urricariet, P. Muschietti, R. Lavado

2. Spatial Variability Of Measured Soil Properties Across Site- Specific Management Zones

The spatial variation of productivity across farm fields can be classified by delineating site-specific management zones. Since productivity is influenced by soil characteristics, the spatial pattern of productivity could be caused by a corresponding variation in certain soil properties. Determining the source of variation in productivity can help achieve more effective site-specific management, the objectives of this study were (i) to characterize the spatial variability of soil physical properties... M. Mzuku, R. Khosla, R. Reich, G. Http://icons.paqinteractive.com/16x16/ac, F. Smith, L. Macdonald

3. Can Active Sensor Based NDVI Consistently Classify Wheat Genotypes?

ABSTRACT ... M.A. Naser, R. khosla, S. Haley, R. Reich, L. Longchamps, M. Moragues, G.W. buchleiter, G.S. Mcmaster

4. Variation in Nitrogen Use Efficiency for Multiple Wheat Genotypes across Dryland and Irrigated Cropping Systems

ABSTRACT ... M.A. Naser, R. Khosla, R. Reich, S. Haley, L. longchamps, M. Moragues, G.W. buchleiter, G.S. Mcmaster

5. Hyperspectral Imagery for the Detection of Nitrogen Stress in Potato for In-season Management

... T.J. Nigon, C. Rosen, D. Mulla, Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, R. Rud

6. Evaluating Water Status in Potato Fields Using Combined Information from RGB and Thermal Aerial Images

Potato yield and quality are highly dependent on an adequate supply of water. In this study the combined information from RGB and thermal aerial images to evaluate... Y. Cohen, V. Alchanatis, B. Heuer, H. Lemcoff, M. Sprintsin, C. Rosen, D. Mulla, T. Nigon, Z. Dar, A. Cohen, A. Levi, R. Brikman, T. Markovits, R. Rud

7. Climate Smart Precision Nitrogen Management

Climate Smart Agriculture (CSA) aims at improving farm productivity and profitability in a sustainable way while building resilience to climate change and mitigating the impacts of agriculture on greenhouse gas emissions. The idea behind this concept is that informed management decision can help achieve these goals. In that matter, Precision Agriculture goes hand-in-hand with CSA. The Colorado State University Laboratory of Precision Agriculture (CSU-PA) is conducting research on CSA practices... L. Longchamps, R. Khosla, R. Reich

8. Evaluating Remote Sensing Based Adaptive Nitrogen Management for Potato Production

Conventional nitrogen (N) management for potato production in the Upper Midwest, USA relies on using split-applications of N fertilizer or a controlled release N product. Using remote sensing to adaptively manage N applications has the potential to improve N use efficiency and reduce losses of nitrate to groundwater, which are important regional concerns. A two-year plot-scale experiment was established to evaluate adaptive N-management using remote sensing compared to conventional practices for... B. Bohman, D. Mulla, C. Rosen

9. Evaluating the Potential of Improving In-season Nitrogen Status Diagnosis of Potato Using Leaf Fluorescence Sensors and Machine Learning

Precision nitrogen (N) management is particularly important for potato crops due to their high N fertilizer demand and high N leaching potential caused by their shallow root systems and preference for coarse-textured soils. Potato farmers have been using a standard lab analysis called petiole nitrate-N (PNN) test as a tool to diagnose potato N status and guide in-season N management. However, the PNN test suffers from many disadvantages including time constraints, labor, and cost of analysis.... S. Wakahara, Y. Miao, S. Gupta, C. Rosen, K. Mizuta, J. Zhang, D. Li

10. Evaluating Different Strategies for In-season Potato Nitrogen Status Diagnosis Using Two Leaf Sensors

Accurate and efficient in-season diagnosis of potato nitrogen (N) status is key to the success of in-season N management for improved profitability and environmental protection. Sensor-based approaches will support more timely decision making compared to plant tissue-based approaches. SPAD-502 (SPAD; Konica Minolta, Tokyo, Japan) is a commonly used sensor for potato N status diagnosis. Dualex Scientific+ (Dualex; METOS® by Pessl Instruments, Weiz, Austria) is a new leaf chlorophyll... S. Wakahara, Y. Miao, S. Gupta, C. Rosen