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Li, Q
Esposito, G
Lutz, C.C
Lai, C
Lemus, S
Kulmány, I
Kotseridis, Y
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Shiratsuchi, L
Lutz, C.C
Ferguson, R.B
Adamchuk, V.I
Lai, C
Belsky, C
Zhao, Y
Xu, X
Shao, Y
He, Y
Li, Q
Fountas, S
Kotseridis, Y
Balafoutis, A
Anastasiou, E
Koundouras, S
Kallithraka, S
Kyraleou, M
Kantipudi, K
Lai, C
Min, C
Chiang, R.C
Nyéki , A
Milics, G
Kovács, A.J
Neményi, M
Kulmány, I
Zsebő, S
Lai, C
Min, C
Chiang, R
Hafferman, A
Morgan, S
Balboa, G
Degioanni, A
Bongiovanni, R
Melchiori, R
Cerliani, C
Scaramuzza, F
Bongiovanni, M
Gonzalez, J
Balzarini, M
Videla, H
Amin, S
Esposito, G
Scudiero, E
Nugent, C.I
Ng, C
Jones, N
Azzam, T
Salunga, N.G
Lemus, S
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Emerging Issues in Precision Agriculture (Energy, Biofuels, Climate Change, Standards)
Food Security and Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
Education of Precision Agriculture Topics and Practices
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Filter results9 paper(s) found.

1. Integrated Crop Canopy Sensing System for Spatial Analysis of In-Season Crop Performance

Over the past decade, the relationships between leaf color, chlorophyll content, nitrogen supply, biomass and grain yield of agronomic crops have been studied widely.... L. Shiratsuchi, C.C. Lutz, R.B. Ferguson, V.I. Adamchuk

2. Building Proactive Predictive Models With Big Data Technology For Precision Agriculture

In a world with ever increasing shortages of food production due to increasing populations and depletion of resources, the need for new technologies and techniques for sustainable and efficient agriculture with long term financial, environmental and cultural benefits are critical.  An area of scientific study concerning crop-production management called Precision Agriculture (PA) is a concept based on integrating modern information technologies such as Big Data Analytics, GPS... C. Lai, C. Belsky

3. A Novel Hyperspectral Feature Extraction Algorithm Based On Waveform Resolving For Raisin Classification

Near infrared hyperspectral imaging technology was adopted in the paper to determine the variety of raisins produced in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, China. There are 2 varieties of raisins taking part in the research and the wavelengths of the hyperspectral images are from 900nm to 1700nm. A novel waveform resolving method was proposed in the paper to reduce the hyperspectral data and extract features. The waveform resolving method compresses the original hyperspectral data for one pixel... Y. Zhao, X. Xu, Y. Shao, Y. He, Q. Li

4. Site-Specific Variability Of Grape Composition And Wine Quality

Precision Viticulture (PV) is the application of site-specific tools to delineate management zones in vineyards for either targeting inputs or harvesting blocks according to grape maturity status. For the creation of management zones, soil properties, topography, canopy characteristics and grape yield are commonly measured during the growing season. The majority of PV studies in winegrapes have focused on the relation of soil and vine-related spatial data with grape composition... S. Fountas, Y. Kotseridis, A. Balafoutis, E. Anastasiou, S. Koundouras, S. Kallithraka, M. Kyraleou

5. Weed Detection Among Crops by Convolutional Neural Networks with Sliding Windows

One of the primary objectives in the field of precision agriculture is weed detection. Detecting and expunging weeds in the initial stages of crop growth with deep learning technique can minimize the usage of herbicides and maximize the crop yield for the farmers. This paper proposes a sliding window approach for the detection of weed regions using convolutional neural networks. The proposed approach involves two processes: (1) Image extraction and labelling, (2) building and training our neural... K. Kantipudi, C. Lai, C. Min, R.C. Chiang

6. Improving Yield Prediction Accuracy Using Energy Balance Trial, On-the-Go and Remote Sensing Procedure

 Our long term experience in the ~23.5 ha research field since 2001 shows that decision support requires complex databases from each management zone within that field (eg. soil physical and chemical parameters, technological, phenological and meteorological data). In the absence of PA sustainable biomass production cannot be achieved. The size of management zones will be ever smaller. Consequently, the on the go and remote sensing data collection should be preferred.  The... A. Nyéki , G. Milics, A.J. Kovács, M. Neményi, I. Kulmány, S. Zsebő

7. Precision Agriculture Research Infrastructure for Sustainable Farming

Precision agriculture is an emerging area at the intersection of engineering and agriculture, with the goal of intelligently managing crops at a microscale to maximize yield while minimizing necessary resource. Achieving these goals requires sensors and systems with predictive models to constantly monitor crop and environment status. Large datasets from various sensors are critical in developing predictive models which can optimally manage necessary resources. Initial experiments at University... C. Lai, C. Min, R. Chiang, A. Hafferman, S. Morgan

8. Overcoming Educational Barriers for Precision Agriculture Adoption: a University Diploma in Precision Agriculture in Argentina

The lack of educational programs in Precision Agriculture (PA) has been reported as one of the barriers for adoption. Our goal was to improve professional competence in PA through education in crop variability, management, and effective practices of PA in real cases. In the last 20 years different efforts has been made in Argentina to increase adoption of PA. The Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto (UNRC) launched in 2021 the first University Diploma in PA, a 9-month program to train agronomist... G. Balboa, A. Degioanni, R. Bongiovanni, R. Melchiori, C. Cerliani, F. Scaramuzza, M. Bongiovanni, J. Gonzalez, M. Balzarini, H. Videla, S. Amin, G. Esposito

9. Cultivating Future Leaders in Sustainable Agriculture: Insights from the Digital Agriculture Fellowship Program at the University of California, Riverside

Funded by USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture’s Sustainable Agricultural Systems Program and housed at the University of California, Riverside (UCR), the Digital Agriculture Fellowship (DAF) aims at equipping undergraduate students with the knowledge and experience necessary to meet the agricultural challenges posed by climate change and sustainability concerns. The program was established in 2020 and will be funded through 2026. Activities span over fifteen months for... E. Scudiero, C.I. Nugent, C. Ng, N. Jones, T. Azzam, N.G. Salunga, S. Lemus