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Schneider, M
Struthers, R.R
Schenatto, K
Sanderson, J
Sadler, E
Seepersad, G
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Schneider, M
Leithold, T
Wagner, P
Ru, G
Schneider, M
Kruse, R
Souza, E
Schenatto, K
Rodrigues, F
Rocha, D
Bazzi, C.L
Schenatto, K
Bazzi, C.L
Bier, V
Souza, E
Betzek, N.M
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C.L
Schenatto, K
Gavioli, A
Maggi, M.F
Drew, P
Sudduth, K.A
Sadler, E
Gavioli, A
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C.L
Betzek, N.M
Schenatto, K
Beneduzzi, H.M
Schenatto, K
de Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C.L
Gavioli, A
Betzek, N.M
Beneduzzi, H.M
Bazzi, C.L
Araujo, R
Souza, E.G
Schenatto, K
Gavioli, A
Betzek, N.M
Seepersad, G
Sampson, T
Seepersad, S
Goorahoo, D
Struthers, R.R
Johannsen, C.J
Morris, D.K
Wiseman, L
Sanderson, J
Schenatto, K
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C.L
Gavioli, A
Betzek, N.M
Magalhães, P.S
Bazzi, C.L
Jasse, E.P
Souza, E.G
Magalhães, P.S
Michelon, G.K
Schenatto, K
Gavioli, A
Bazzi, C.L
Schenatto, K
Upadhyaya, S
Rojo, F
Gavioli, A
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C.L
Betzek, N.M
Schenatto, K
Souza, E
Schenatto, K
Bazzi, C
Betzek, N.M
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C.L
Magalhães, P.G
Gavioli, A
Schenatto, K
Dall'Agnol, R.W
Bazzi, C.L
Silva, F.V
Gebler, L
Souza, E.G
Schenatto, K
Sobjak, R
Dos Santos, R.S
Hachisuca, A.M
Franz, F
Bazzi, C.L
Martins, M.R
Gebler, L
Souza, E.G
Schenatto, K
Sobjak, R
Hachisuca, A.
Franz, F
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C
Hachisuca, A
Sobjak, R
Gavioli, A
Betzek, N
Schenatto, K
Mercante, E
Rodrigues, M
Moreira, W
Aikes Junior, J
Souza, E.G
Bazzi, C
Sobjak, R
Hachisuca, A
Gavioli, A
Betzek, N
Schenatto, K
Moreira, W
Mercante, E
Rodrigues, M
Bazzi, C.L
Rauber, L.A
Oliveira, W.K
Sobjak, R
Schenatto, K
Gebler, L
Rabello, L.M
Bazzi, C.L
Oliveira, W.K
Sobjak, R
Schenatto, K
Souza, E
Hachisuca, A
Franz, F
Avila, E.N
Bazzi, C.L
Oliveira, W.K
Schenatto, K
Sobjak, R
Rocha, D.M
Sobjak, R
Bazzi, C.L
Schenatto, K
Oliveira, W.K
Menegasso, A.E
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Conservation Management
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Nutrient Management
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Decision Support Systems
Education and Outreach in Precision Agriculture
Geospatial Data
Decision Support Systems
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soils and Crops (including Phenotyping)
Wireless Sensor Networks and Farm Connectivity
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Agriculture
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Filter results26 paper(s) found.

1. A Clustering Approach For Management Zone Delineation In Precision Agriculture

In recent years, an increasing amount of research has been devoted to the delineation of management zones. There have been quite a number of approaches towards using small-scale data for subdividing the field into a small number of zones, usually three or four. However, these zones are usually static, often require multi-year data sets and are based on low-resolution sampling methods for data acquisition. Furthermore, existing research into the... G. Ru, M. Schneider, R. Kruse

2. Improvement of the Quality of “On-The-Go” Recorded Soil pH

An important basis for lime fertilisation is the recording of pH values. Many studies have shown that the pH value can vary greatly within a small area. Only through the development of a sensor by VERIS has it become possible to determine the pH value cheaply in a much higher sampling density than with the time and cost intensive laboratory method. With respect to their measurement principles, both methods differ fundamentally in that in the laboratory method an extraction medium is used. This... M. Schneider, T. Leithold, P. Wagner

3. Comparison Of Management Zones Generated By The K-Means And Fuzzy C-Means Methods

The generation of Management Zones (MZ) is an economic alternative to make viable the precision agriculture (RODRIGUES & ZIMBACK, 2002) because they work as operation units for the inputs localized application and as soil and culture sample indicators. For the field division in... E. Souza, K. Schenatto, F. Rodrigues, D. Rocha, C. Bazzi

4. The Influence Of The Interpolation Method In The Management Zones Generation

The definition of management zones (MZ) allows the concepts of precision agriculture (PA) to be used even in small producers. Methods for defining these MZ were created and are being used, obtaining satisfactory results with different crops and parameters (FLEMING & WESTFALL, 2000; ORTEGA & SANTIBÁÑEZ, 2007; MILANI et al., 2006). Through methodologies, the attributes that are influencing the productivity are selected and thematic maps are generated with the... K. Schenatto, C. Bazzi, V. Bier, E. Souza

5. Rectification of Management Zones Considering Moda and Median As a Criterion for Reclassification of Pixels

Management zones (MZ) make economically viable the application of precision agriculture techniques by dividing the production areas according to the homogeneity of its productive characteristics. The divisions are conducted through empirical techniques or cluster analysis, and, in some cases, the MZ are difficult to be delimited due to isolated cells or patches within sub-regions. The objective of this study was to apply computational techniques that provide smoothing of MZ, so as to become viable... N.M. Betzek, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, K. Schenatto, A. Gavioli, M.F. Maggi

6. Development of a Multispectral Sensor for Crop Canopy Temperature Measurement

Quantifying spatial and temporal variability in plant stress has precision agriculture applications in controlling variable rate irrigation and variable rate nutrient application. One approach to plant stress detection is crop canopy temperature measurement by the use of thermographic or radiometric methods, generally in the long wave infrared (LWIR) wavelength range. A confounding factor in LWIR canopy temperature estimation is eliminating the effect of the soil background in the image. One approach... P. Drew, K.A. Sudduth, E. Sadler

7. Delineation of Site-specific Management Zones Using Spatial Principal Components and Cluster Analysis

The delineation of site-specific management zones (MZs) can enable economic use of precision agriculture for more producers. In this process, many variables, including chemical and physical (besides yield data) variables, can be used. After selecting variables, a cluster algorithm like fuzzy c-means is usually applied to define the classes. Selection of variables comprise a difficult issue in cluster analysis because these will often influence cluster determination. The goal of this study was... A. Gavioli, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, N.M. Betzek, K. Schenatto, H. Beneduzzi

8. Data Normalization Methods for Definition of Management Zones

The use of management zones is considered a viable economic alternative for the management of crops due to low cost of adoption as well as economic and environmental benefits. The decision whether or not to normalize the attributes before the grouping process (independent of use) is a problem of methodology, because the attributes have different metric size units, and may influence the result of the clustering process. Thus, the aim of this study was to use a Fuzzy C-Means algorithm to evaluate... K. Schenatto, E.G. De souza, C.L. Bazzi, A. Gavioli, N.M. Betzek, H.M. Beneduzzi

9. Smart Agriculture: A Futuristic Vision of Application of the Internet of Things (IoT) in Brazilian Agriculture

With the economy based on agribusiness, Brazil is an important representative on the world stage in agricultural production, either in terms of quantity or cultivated diversity due to a scenario with vast arable land and favorable climate. There are many crops that are adapteble to soils of the country. Despite the global representation, it is known that the Brazilian agricultural production does not yet have a modern agriculture by restricting the use of new technologies to farmers with better... C.L. Bazzi, R. Araujo, E.G. Souza, K. Schenatto, A. Gavioli, N.M. Betzek

10. Precision Agriculture Techniques for Crop Management in Trinidad and Tobago: Methodology & Field Layout

Agriculture in Trinidad and Tobago has not advanced at the same rate at which new agricultural technology has been released. This has led to large-scale abandonment of crop lands as challenges posed by labor availability and their agronomic capability could not meet the technological demands for agricultural production, competitiveness and sustainability. There is an urgent need to develop technology-based agriculture models to meet the demands of a modern agricultural sector and to maintain its... G. Seepersad, T. Sampson, S. Seepersad, D. Goorahoo

11. Soil Moisture, Organic Matter and Potassium Influences on Eca Measurement

Spatial variability of soil physical and chemical properties is a fundamental element of site-specific soil and crop management. Since its early implementation in agriculture as a method of measuring soil salinity, the acceptance of Apparent Electrical Conductivity (ECa) in agriculture has been popular as a method of determining the spatial variability of soil physical and chemical properties that influence the ECa estimates. It was the objective of this study to examine the spatial-temporal stability... R.R. Struthers, C.J. Johannsen, D.K. Morris

12. Realising the Full Potential of Precision Agriculture: Encouraging Farmer 'Buy-in' by Building Trust in Data Sharing

Uncertainty around the ownership, privacy and security of farm data are most commonly the reasons cited for farmer’s reluctance to “buy-in” to big data in agriculture. Evidence provided to the recent US Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation Subcommittee on Consumer Protections, Product Safety, Insurance, and Data Security, United States Senate Technology in Agriculture: Data Driven Farming (Nov 2017) highlighted that “data ownership, and related... L. Wiseman, J. Sanderson

13. Use of Farmer’s Experience for Management Zones Delineation

In the management of spatial variability of the fields, the management zone approach (MZs) divides the area into sub-regions of minimal soil and plant variability, which have maximum homogeneity of topography and soil conditions, so that these MZs must lead to the same potential yield. Farmers have experience of which areas of a field have high and low yields, and the use of this knowledge base can allow the identification of MZs in a field based on production history. The objective of this study... K. Schenatto, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, A. Gavioli, N.M. Betzek, P.S. Magalhães

14. AgDataBox – API (Application Programming Interface)

E-agricultural is an emerging field focusing in the enhancement of agriculture and rural development through improve in information and data processing. The data-intensive characteristic of these domains is evidenced by the great variety of data to be processed and analyzed. Countrywide estimates rely on maps, spectral images from satellites, and tables with rows for states, regions, municipalities, or farmers. Precision agriculture (PA) relies on maps of within field variability of soil and plant... C.L. Bazzi, E.P. Jasse, E.G. Souza, P.S. Magalhães, G.K. Michelon, K. Schenatto, A. Gavioli

15. Optimal Placement of Proximal Sensors for Precision Irrigation in Tree Crops

In agriculture, use of sensors and controllers to apply only the quantity of water required, where and when it is needed (i.e., precision irrigation), is growing in importance. The goal of this study was to generate relatively homogeneous management zones and determine optimal placement of just a few sensors within each management zone so that reliable estimation of plant water status could be obtained to implement precision irrigation in a 2.0 ha almond orchard located in California, USA. First... C.L. Bazzi, K. Schenatto, S. Upadhyaya, F. Rojo

16. Variable Selection and Data Clustering Methods for Agricultural Management Zones Delineation

Delineation of agricultural management zones (MZs) is the delimitation, within a field, of a number of sub-areas with high internal similarity in the topographic, soil and/or crop characteristics. This approach can contribute significantly to enable precision agriculture (PA) benefits for a larger number of producers, mainly due to the possibility of reducing costs related to the field management. Two fundamental tasks for the delineation of MZs are the variable selection and the cluster analysis.... A. Gavioli, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, N.M. Betzek, K. Schenatto

17. Creating Thematic Maps and Management Zones for Agriculture Fields

Thematic maps (TMs) are maps that represent not only the land but also a topic associated with it, and they aim to inform through graphic symbols where a specific geographical phenomenon occurs. Development of TMs is linked to data collection, analysis, interpretation, and representation of the information on a map, facilitating the identification of similarities, and enabling the visualization of spatial correlations. Important issues associated with the creation of TMs are: selection of the... E. Souza, K. Schenatto, C. Bazzi

18. Application of Routines for Automation of Geostatistical Analysis Procedures and Interpolation of Data by Ordinary Kriging

Ordinary kriging (OK) is one of the most suitable interpolation methods for the construction of thematic maps used in precision agriculture. However, the use of OK is complex. Farmers/agronomists are generally not highly trained to use geostatistical methods to produce soil and plant attribute maps for precision agriculture and thus ensure that best management approaches are used. Therefore, the objective of this work was to develop and apply computational routines using procedures and geostatistical... N.M. Betzek, E.G. Souza, C.L. Bazzi, P.G. Magalhães, A. Gavioli, K. Schenatto, R.W. Dall'agnol

19. Fruit Fly Electronic Monitoring System

Insects are a constant threat to agriculture, especially the cultivation of various types of fruits such as apples, pears, guava, etc. In this sense, it is worth mentioning the Anastrepha genus flies (known as fruit fly), responsible for billionaire losses in the fruit growing sector around the world, due to the severity of their attack on orchards. In Brazil, this type of pests has been controlled in most product areas by spraying insecticides, which due to the need for prior knowledge regarding... C.L. Bazzi, F.V. Silva, L. Gebler, E.G. Souza, K. Schenatto, R. Sobjak, R.S. Dos santos, A.M. Hachisuca, F. Franz

20. Yield Mapping in Fruit Farming

Due to the importance of increasing the quantity and quality of world agricultural production, the use of technologies to assist in production processes is essential. Despite this, a timid adoption by precision agriculture (PA) technologies is verified by the Brazilian fruit producers, even though it is one of the segments that had been stood out in recent years in the country's economy. In the PA context, yield maps are rich sources of information, especially by species harvested through... C.L. Bazzi, M.R. Martins, L. Gebler, E.G. Souza, K. Schenatto, R. Sobjak, A. . Hachisuca, F. Franz

21. AgDataBox: Web Platform of Data Integration, Software, and Methodologies for Digital Agriculture

Agriculture is challenging to produce more profitably, with the world population expected to reach some 10 billion people by 2050. Such a challenge can be achieved by adopting precision agriculture and digital agriculture (Agriculture 4.0). Digital agriculture has become a reality with the availability of cheaper and more powerful sensors, actuators and microprocessors, high-bandwidth cellular communication, cloud communication, and Big Data. Digital agriculture enables the flow of information... E.G. Souza, C. Bazzi, A. Hachisuca, R. Sobjak, A. Gavioli, N. Betzek, K. Schenatto, E. Mercante, M. Rodrigues, W. Moreira

22. Web Application for Automatic Creation of Thematic Maps and Management Zones - AgDataBox-Fast Track

Agriculture is challenging to produce more profitably, with the world population expected to reach some 10 billion people by 2050. Such a challenge can be achieved by adopting precision agriculture and digital agriculture (Agriculture 4.0). Digital agriculture (DA) has become a reality with the availability of cheaper and more powerful sensors, actuators and microprocessors, high-bandwidth cellular communication, cloud communication, and Big Data. DA enables information to flow from used agricultural... J. Aikes junior, E.G. Souza, C. Bazzi, R. Sobjak, A. Hachisuca, A. Gavioli, N. Betzek, K. Schenatto, W. Moreira, E. Mercante, M. Rodrigues

23. Portable Soil EC - Development of an Electronic Device for Determining Soil Electrical Conductivity

Decision-making in agriculture demands continuous monitoring, a factor that propels the advancement of tools within Agriculture 4.0. In this context, understanding soil characteristics is essential. Electrical conductivity (EC) sensors play a pivotal role in this comprehension. Given this backdrop, the core motivation of this research was developing an accessible and effective electronic device to measure the apparent EC of the soil. It provides features like geolocation, recording of the date... C.L. Bazzi, L.A. Rauber, W.K. Oliveira, R. Sobjak, K. Schenatto, L. Gebler, L.M. Rabello

24. AgDataBox-IoT - Managing IoT Data and Devices on Precision Agriculture

The increasing global population has resulted in a substantial demand for nourishment, which has prompted the agricultural sector to investigate ways to improve efficiency. Precision agriculture (PA) uses advanced technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and sensor networks to collect and analyze field information. Although the advantages are numerous, the available data storage, management, and analysis resources are limited. Therefore, creating and providing a user-friendly web application... C.L. Bazzi, W.K. Oliveira, R. Sobjak, K. Schenatto, E. Souza, A. Hachisuca, F. Franz

25. Geographic Database in Precision Agriculture for the Development of AI Research

Agriculture 4.0 has profoundly transformed production processes by incorporating technologies such as Precision Agriculture, Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things, and telemetry. This evolution has enabled more accurate and timely decision-making in agriculture. In response to this movement, the Precision Agriculture Laboratory (AgriLab) of UTFPR, located in Medianeira, proposes the establishment of a consistent and standardized database. This database is continually updated with surveys... E.N. Avila, C.L. Bazzi, W.K. Oliveira, K. Schenatto, R. Sobjak, D.M. Rocha

26. AgDataBox-IA – Web Application with Artificial Intelligence for Agricultural Data Analysis in Precision Agriculture

Agriculture has been continually evolving, incorporating hardware, software, sensors, aerial surveys, soil sampling for chemical, physical, and granulometric analysis (based on sample grids), and microclimatic data, leading to a substantial volume of data. This requires platforms to store, manage, and transform these data into actionable information for decision-making in the field. In this regard, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the most widely used tool globally to mine and transform vast data... R. Sobjak, C.L. Bazzi, K. Schenatto, W.K. Oliveira, A.E. Menegasso