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Krcek, V
Keil, F
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Kroulik, M
Brant, V
Zabransky, P
Chyba, J
Krcek, V
Skerikova, M
Gilson, A
Meyer, L
Killer, A
Keil, F
Scholz, O
Kittemann, D
Noack, P
Pietrzyk, P
Paglia, C
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
Precision Horticulture
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Machine Monitoring As a Smartfarming Concept Tool

Current development trends are associated with the digitization of production processes and the interconnection of individual information layers from multiple sources into common databases, contexts and functionalities. In order to automatic data collection  of machine operating data, the farm tractors were equipped with monitoring units ITineris for continuous collection and transmission of information from tractors CAN Bus. All data sets are completed with GPS location data. Acreage... M. Kroulik, V. Brant, P. Zabransky, J. Chyba, V. Krcek, M. Skerikova

2. Cherry Yield Forecast: Harvest Prediction for Individual Sweet Cherry Trees

Digitalization continues to transform the agricultural sector as a whole and also affects specific niches like horticulture. Particularly in fruit and wine production, the focus is on the application of sensor systems and data analysis aiming at automated detection of drought stress or pests in vineyards or orchards.  As part of the  “For5G” project, we are developing an end-to-end methodology for the creation of digital twins of fruit trees, with a strong focus... A. Gilson, L. Meyer, A. Killer, F. Keil, O. Scholz, D. Kittemann, P. Noack, P. Pietrzyk, C. Paglia