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Development Of An Hydraulic Penetrometer Data Acquisition Software
I. Marasca, D. P. Casiero, S. P. Guerra, K. P. Lanças, E. R. Spadim
Currently , in addition to increased production , the costs reduction are focused in order to increase efficiency in production, so the modern agriculture intent to find planting methods which extract the maximum possible data about the used area for making possible to do this preparation in the most appropriate manner, considering the shortcomings of evaluating these data. This method is contained in the concepts of an agricultural practice that has been steadily growing,  the " Precision Agriculture " , which covers , among many other factors , soil preparation . The soil penetration resistance is a feature that can show the condition of compression and hence allow to evaluate the soil as this will promote the development of the growing . Considering that the development of the root system is strongly related to a better efficiency in production and also is directly linked to the resistance that the soil offers to its development , it was considered reasonable to create , through this work, a simple and accessible tool for obtaining this information. The objective was to create a software for data acquisition which can be adapted to any penetrometer that represents the magnitudes "strength" and " position " in the form of analog voltage signals. The software was tested on UMAS - Mobile Unit Sampling Soil,  belonging to NEMPA – Agroforestry Machinery and Tires Test Center , located at FCA - College of Agricultural Sciences - UNESP Botucatu. UMAS is a trailer equipped with an hydraulic valve that controls an hydraulic double way actuator, controlled manually and having at its end a spindle on which a load cell is trapped and positioned between the actuator and a rod with a conical tip with standardized dimensions, thus constituting an hydraulic penetrometer. The displacement of this rod is measured by a multiturn potentiometer that is installed as a voltage divider and thus provides a position as an analog signal. The applied force is measured by a load cell with a maximum load measurement of 2000Kgf giving an output signal of 2mV / V. The software was created in " LabView ", a "G " language development environment. The hardware used was the "USB6009” data acquisition device that communicates with a laptop computer by USB port. After the software development, the system was tested in a soil with deep tillage and controlled traffic. The software proved to be easily managed and represented in a coherent and satisfactory way the soil compression characteristics.
Keyword: soil penetration resistance, soil physics, soil compaction