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Precision Agriculture In Sugarcane Production. A Key Tool To Understand Its Variability.
1P. S. Graziano Magalhães, 2G. M. Sanches, 3O. T. Kolln, 3H. C. Franco, 3O. A. Braunbeck, 3C. Driemeier

Precision agriculture (PA) for sugarcane represents an important tool to manage local application of fertilizers, mainly because sugarcane is third in fertilizer consumption among Brazilian crops, after soybean and corn. Among the limiting factors detected for PA adoption in the sugarcane industry, one could mention the cropping system complexity, data handling costs, and lack of appropriate decision support systems. The objective of our research group has been to demonstrate to sugarcane growers and society PA economic advantages, environmental gains and yield/quality benefits in order to help boost its adoption. In this article we report an experiment that has been conducted since 2010 in a commercial site of 50 ha, using grid sampling (50 x 50 m – 204 points) and yield monitor. Results show that after two years of fertilizer application using variable rate technology, the amount of P available in the soil for plant nutrition was better distributed, stable and sufficient to supply crop needs. K requires replacing at different rates at each year, and its average availability for plant nutrition is been reduced. We could not find any pattern in soil K extraction, and it was certainly not related to yield. We also detected that on the first year (plant cane) the lowest part of the field presented the highest yield, but in the following year (first ratoon) the same area presented an abrupt reduction in yield. A deep investigation evidenced that this phenomenon could be explained by ratoon damage during the first harvest. This damage, which is almost impossible to repair and will impair the whole sugarcane cycle, could be detected by PA tools, thus demonstrating the usefulness of PA applied to sugarcane.  

Keyword: nutrient replacement, cost reduction, yield improvment