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Quo Vadis Precision Farming
1K. Charvat, 2T. Reznik, 3V. Lukas, 4K. Charvat Jr., 4S. Horakova, 5M. Kepka, 6M. Splichal
1. Baltic Open Soulution Centre
2. Masaryk Unibersity
3. Mendelu University
4. WirelessInfo
5. University of West Bohemia
6. Czech Centre for Science and Society

The agriculture sector is a unique sector due to its strategic importance for both citizens and economy which, ideally, should make the whole sector a network of interacting organizations. There is an increasing tension, the like of which is not experienced in any other sector, between the requirements to assure full safety and keep costs under control, but also assure the long-term strategic interests of Europe and worldwide. In that sense, agricultural production influences, and is influenced by water quality and quantity, ecosystems, biodiversity, the economy, and energy use and supply. The seasonality and ubiquity of agriculture make agricultural practices and production amenable to efficient synoptic monitoring. The effectiveness of each production, including agriculture, is determined by the ratio of the value of the production outputs to the value of production inputs. For agricultural production the efficiency is affected not only by the internal factors of the production process, but also by external factors (climate, subsidies, the situation in the global market, etc.). The nature of agricultural production does not simply allow pure reducing of energy intensity; in fact the production is affected by many other factors such as: Crop rotation requires several years interval between growing certain crops on the same land repeatedly or specific crop sequence is required, Selection of crops variety is affected by market demand, Agricultural production is greatly influenced by the subsidy rules, Some operations can be operatively affected by climatic conditions., The use of waste biomass energy potential is influenced by the structure of crops and the technology used on the farm. Acquiring knowledge about the energy and carbon intensity of different crops on different lands, how the farm processes work, and how to take care of the variability within fields in a single farm is very demanding using traditional approach of farming. Considering large area of agricultural lands, new technologies are demanded for collecting sensitive data and evaluating these data, No optimization processes can be performed without sufficient and objective knowledge.

Keyword: Precision Farming, Energy, Environment, Economy, Big data, Knowledge Management