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Response of Soybean Cultivars According to Management Zones in Southern Brazil
1G. M. Corassa, 1A. L. Santi, 1T. J. Amado, 1M. B. Bisognin, 1R. Gaviraghi, 2J. L. Pires
1. Universidade Federal de Santa Maria
2. Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária - EMBRAPA TRIGO

The positioning of soybean cultivars on fields according your environmental response is new strategy to obtain high soybean yields. The aim of this study was to investigate the agronomic response of six soybean cultivars according management zones in Southern Brazil. The study was conducted in 2013/2014 and in two fields located in Boa Vista das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement (3x6), with three management zones (low, medium and high) and six soybean cultivars, replicated three times. The soil was classified as Typic Hapludox. The seeds density used was the recommended for each cultivar considering the germination test. The narrow row spacing used was 0.5 m. The results indicated that the soybean cultivars used in this study have different response by management zones. The correct choice by seeding soybean cultivars according management zones would increase the grain yield on 2.10% in high zone and 10.98% in low zone in relation to the traditional cultivar using in the entire field. The high cultivars should be seeding in low zones, because the height is reduced and the number of pods and grain yield are increase. The results support that the concept of soybean multi-cultivars seeding on the field can be improving the average grain yield on fields.

Keyword: Precision Agriculture, site-specific management, Glycine max (L.) Merrill, optimization, multi-cultivar