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Precision Nitrogen Management Based on Nitrogen Removal in Rainfed Wheat
1D. J. Bonfil, 1I. Mufradi, 1S. Asido, 2D. S. Long
1. Field Crops and Natural Resources Department Agricultural Research Organization Gilat Research Center, MP Negev 85280, Israel
2. Columbia Plateau Conservation Research Center USDA-Agricultural Research Service, PO Box 370 Pendleton, OR 97810, USA

Growers of hard red spring wheat may capture price premiums for maximizing the protein concentration of their grain. Nitrogen (N) nutrition adequacy is crucial to achieving high grain protein concentration. The objective of this study was to determine the usefulness of N removal maps by comparing grain protein, yields, and dollar returns obtained from this precision N management approach with that from conventional uniform N management. Strip plot experiments were designed to compare spatially variable versus uniform N application in seven dryland fields in Israel. Spatially variable N management was based on continuously valued N removal maps derived from grain protein and yield monitor data: N removal = N removed in grain (Ngrain) + N removed in straw (Nstraw) where Ngrain = previous season’s grain yield (kg ha-1) × grain protein (%) / 570, and Nstraw = grain yield × 0.01. Uniform N management was based on soil tests and yield goals to establish the N recommendation for base application at planting. Spatially variable management increased grain yield from 128 to 665 kg ha-1 over that of uniform management in six of seven fields. Similarly, gross return from spatially variable placement increased from $21 to $135 ha-1 over that from uniform N management in these fields. Variable rate base N application appears to increase grain quality, grain yield, and profitability under semiarid conditions. 

Keyword: Crop monitoring, On-the-go, Site specific management, Variable rate application, Wheat, Zeltex AccuHarvest