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A Case Study Approach for Teaching and Applying Precision Agriculture
J. D. Williams
Agribusiness, Plant and Animal Science Department Brigham Young University-Idaho

Students often struggle understanding precision agriculture principles and how these principles can be applied to farming operations. A case-study approach that requires students to own a recreational global positioning system (GPS) for collecting on-farm data could be a method for helping students understand and apply precision agriculture. This paper describes a case-study approach to teaching precision agriculture using student owned GPS units and geographical information systems (GIS) software to collect and analyze on-farm data. Students majoring in agronomy, animal science, and agri-business receive training in GIS software (SSToolbox 3.8) and recreational GPS units. Students were given specific instruction on how to import and export data between the GPS units and GIS software, create sampling grids, collect field boundaries, calculate area, create management zones, and collect points when crop scouting. Following instruction, the students were given a case study that required them to begin a precision agriculture program on a farm (for most students the case study is done on their family farm, but the school’s farms were available for others). The students must collect data for at least three fields with six layers per field, and two of those layers must be collected with the students GPS unit. The other layers the students collect may come from a variety of sources including aerial photography (USGS-DOQQ); digital elevation models; yield maps; and planting, tillage, or pesticide application maps. The assessment of the case studies is based on a written paper and oral presentation which includes maps and descriptions for each layer and an explanation of each layer and how it will contribute to the precision agriculture management plan for their chosen farm. The case study approach provides students with GIS and GPS training and how to apply precision agriculture to a farm at a relatively low cost. 

Keyword: curriculum development, teaching, case study, instruction, teaching methodolgy