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Principal Component Analysis of Rice Production Environment in the Rice Terrace Region
1Y. Hirai, 1Y. Beppu, 1Y. Mori, 1K. Tomita, 1K. Hamagami, 1K. Mori, 2S. Uchida, 2S. Inaba
1. Department of Bioproduction and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture Kyushu University
2. Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University

Environmental conditions that affect rice production, such as air temper- ature, relative humidity, solar radiation, effective cation exchangeable capacity (ECEC) of the soil, and total nitrogen in irrigation water, were assessed for 4 paddy fields in Hoshino village, Fukuoka prefecture in Japan. Also, environ- mental factors that affected rice quality (physicochemical properties of rice grains and cooked rice) were identified using data during the beginning of a ripening period (20 days after heading) by principal component analysis. It was found that air temperature, diurnal range of temperature, solar radiation had major positive effects on rice quality. Also, a large diurnal range of tem- perature, which was advantageous for rice production, was observed locally in the rice terrace region. 

Keyword: rice production environment, rice quality, principal compo- nent analysis, rice terraces, farmers’ decision support system