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Map@Syst – Geospatial Solutions for Rural and Community Sustainability
1P. Rasmussen, 2J. Nowatzki
1. Western Region SARE Utah State University Logan, Utah
2. Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Department North Dakota State University Fargo, North Dakota

Map@Syst is a part of the USDA Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service (CSREES) eXtension online Web information service. eXtension is an educational partnership of more than 70 universities to provide online access to objective, research-based information and educational opportunities. Map@Syst is a Wiki-based Web site assembled and maintained cooperatively by geospatial technology educational specialists and practitioners. Map@Syst is a primary source of geospatial information and expertise for individuals working applications in state, local and municipal government agencies, agriculture, natural resources, industry, recreation and tourism and youth activities. The materials and services include frequently asked questions (FAQ), interactive learning modules, English and Spanish translation fact sheets, “How to” instructional plans, pod casts and an online “Ask the Expert” question answering system. Map@Syst provides educational programming in global positioning system (GPS), geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing applications. The Web site includes articles, news and events, frequently asked questions (FAQ), ask the expert and learning modules. The educational specialist and practitioners includes individuals from 15 different universities within the United Sates. Others from academia, industry and individuals are invited to join Map@Syst leadership and contribute to the Wiki Map@Syst Web site. All materials included on the Map@Syst Web site are peer reviewed. 

Keyword: GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing, Precision Agriculture, Precision Management, Precision Conservation