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Mohd Soom, M
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Gholizadeh , A
Mohd Soom , M
Saberioon, M
Gholizadeh, A
Saberioon, M
Mohd Soom, M
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Integrated Land Management – ICT Solutions & Business Models
1W. Mayer, 2B. Pacher
1. General Manager PROGIS Software GmbH
2. General Manager Adcon Telemetry


PROGIS and Adcon have developed a comprehensive solution to address the major challenges of our time: improve daily agricultural practice on all levels, increase and secure food supplies, take care of the environment and manage ever increasing risks, while last not least assist in fighting global warming.
In all of the above agriculture is playing a key role, but the methods of the past will no longer be adequate. Information technology is the name of the game, as the environment needs a technological revolution to tackle the three major challenges it is facing: the need to feed more people on less soil with less inputs (water, fertilizer, agrochemicals) at far less environmental impact.
So what does the PROGIS/Adcon solution offer that others don’t? Simple: others look at isolated symptoms, while we regard agriculture, forestry and environment, water, weather, crop and soil as an interconnected, vital organism, where every element is linked to every other. Our solution provides decision makers on all levels, from farmers to crop agents to the various Ministries with processed information they can act upon.
WinGIS® provides an advanced mapping and imaging tool to visualize farms and fields, crops and yield, soil, weather and diseases, and much more. Put mobGIS® on top, and machinery, from sprayers and croppers to harvesters and trucks will drive thousands of miles less per year due to optimized logistics. AGROffice-DokuPlat® completes the range of tools for a state of the art and sustainable farm management.  
While Adcons weather and soil stations provide micro-climatic data, the addVANTAGE Pro® Decision Support System runs it through expert models to calculate disease pressure and evapotranspiration, to help reduce spraying and improve irrigation.
Sounds complicated? It is not. It is smart! And it is adjustable to every country in a holistic approach where all agro/forest/biomass-production chain members are directly/indirectly linked together.
Keyword: precision farming technologies, sensor integration, integrated farm and land management, food traceability