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AgDataBox – API (Application Programming Interface)
1C. L. Bazzi, 2E. P. Jasse, 3E. G. Souza, 1P. S. Magalhães, 2G. K. Michelon, 4K. Schenatto, 1A. Gavioli
1. Computer Science Department, Federal University of Technology - Paraná, Medianeira, Brazil
2. Masrter Program of Computational Technology apply in Agribusiness, Federal University of Technology - Paraná, Medianeira, Brazil
3. State University of West Paraná, Cascavel, Brazil
4. Computer Science Department, Federal University of Technology - Paraná, Santa Helena, Brazil; 4Research Scientist from CNPq

E-agricultural is an emerging field focusing in the enhancement of agriculture and rural development through improve in information and data processing. The data-intensive characteristic of these domains is evidenced by the great variety of data to be processed and analyzed. Countrywide estimates rely on maps, spectral images from satellites, and tables with rows for states, regions, municipalities, or farmers. Precision agriculture (PA) relies on maps of within field variability of soil and plant attributes, with one experiment using various technologies to measure soil and plant attributes. Despite the difficulty in obtaining data in the field and the interaction between the collection stage and the data processing, storage, and interpretation environments has been a bottleneck for producers seeking to make use of the technology. An existing problem is the organization and administration of this data to obtain the information that can be used for the correct management of the field. The objective of this work is to present a computational solution to this problem. AgDataBox-API is a platform that was developed to store and integrates traditional agricultural data, data samples, maps, and management zones. This platform was developed using cloud framework and is for other developers to easily integrate their systems into the cloud, without having to knowhow the internal integration is done. Communication between a system and AgDataBox-API is done using HTTP protocol. As example, a free mobile application was developed using Android and Apple operational systems and allow insertingprecision agriculture data using the smartphone. To demonstrate the potentiality of the software an experimental data from two sugarcane fields located at São JoãoMill (Araras - SP), each area with approximately 200 hectares characterized by production environment (texture and climate) was used. The results demonstrate how data can be easily handled and information can be extracted from it. This software is free of charge.

Keyword: software, cloud data, integration data