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Supporting and Analysing On-Farm Nitrogen Tramline Trials So Farmers, Industry, Agronomists and Scientists Can LearN Together
1D. Kindred, 1S. Clarke, 1S. Roques, 1D. Hatley, 2B. Marchant, 1R. Sylvester-Bradley
1. ADAS Boxworth, Cambridge, UK
2. British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham

Nitrogen fertilizer decisions are considered important for the agronomic, economic and environmental performance of cereal crop production. Despite good recommendation systems large unpredicted variation exists in measured N requirements. There may be fields and farms that are consistently receiving too much or too little N fertilizer, therefore losing substantial profit from wasted fertilizer or lost yield. Precision farming technologies can enable farmers (& researchers) to test appropriate N rates, through tramline comparisons and analysis of yield maps. We report findings from the LearN initiative in the UK to help enable farmers to test N rates on their farm, to learn whether the N rates they are using are about right, too high or too low. A group of 18 farmers were supported to conduct simple tramline trials with single replicates of 60kgN/ha more and less fertilizer in alternate tramlines, on 3 fields per year from 2014-2017.

We found strong engagement from farmers in conducting tramline trials, which are in principle easy to set-up, manage & harvest. However, there are many challenges that are not always fully appreciated; ensuring comparable treatment areas; precise recording of tramline wheelings and treatment boundaries; non-linear application by spinning disc spreaders; protocols for combine harvest; transfer, processing & cleaning of data; data analysis & statistics to achieve robust conclusions in the face of confounding variation and appropriate interpretation.

Overall yields were 11.43, 11.07 and 11.74 t/ha for farm-standard, +60kgN/ha and -60kgN/ha respectively, giving differences in margin of -£8.75/ha and +£0.51/ha. Differences in yield between two ‘farm standard’ tramlines was used to give a crude measure of error and infer confidence. Firm conclusions on N management could be made on around half of the 142 tramline experiments. Underlying spatial variation in yield was usually much greater than the nitrogen effect. A few fields and farms were found with sub-optimal N rates, but lost profits were modest. We conclude that nitrogen is not the major cause of variation in yield within & between fields and farms. Tramline trials are useful for understanding variation in yields; for maximum impact they should be networked and employ spatial analysis.

Keyword: Nitrogen, yield, on-farm experiment, tramline trials, protein, wheat, map, agronomics, strip trials