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Henderson, W
Samborski, S.M
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Khalilian, A
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Samborski, S.M
Samborski, S.M
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Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Use of Field Diagnostic Tools for Top Dressing Nitrogen Recommendation When Organic Manures Are Applied in Humid Mediterranean Conditions
M. Aranguren, A. Castellón, A. Aizpurua
Plant Production Department, Basque Institute for Agricultural Research and Development (NEIKER-Tecnalia), 48160 Derio, Basque Country, Spain

Nitrogen is often applied in excessive quantities, causing nitrogen losses. In recent years, the management of large quantities of manure and slurry compounds has become a challenge. The aim of this study was to assess the usefulness of the proxy tools Yara N-testerTMand RapidScan CS-45 for diagnosing the N nutritional status of wheat crops when farmyard manures were applied. Our second objective was to start designing a N fertilization strategy based on these measurements. To achieve these objectives, three annual field trials were established at three close locations with similar soils. Three kinds of initial fertilizers [dairy slurry (40 t ha-1), sheep manure (40 t ha-1) and conventional (no organic fertilizer on basal dressing and 40 kg N ha-1at tillering)] were added and five N mineral fertilization dose applied at stem elongation for each kind of initial fertilization. The proxy tools were used at stem elongation (GS-30) before applying the mineral N. Proxy tool readings look promising in order to adjust the N application rate at stem elongation. In dairy slurry, when both proxy tool values were 60 - 65 % the optimum N rate at stem elongation for achieving the maximum yield was 118 - 128 kg N ha-1. In dairy slurry and conventional treatments when readings were 85 - 90 % the optimum N rate was 100 - 110 kg N ha-1. However, at the sheep manure treatment, it is more difficult to find a relationship between sensor readings and yield. Moreover, when organic fertilizers were applied before sowing, the usual first N topdressing at the beginning of tillering could be avoided in years with humid spring.

Keyword: Winter wheat, Precision N fertilization, Chlorophyll meter, Canopy reflectance sensing, N Mineralization, Organic amendments