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Case Study on Using a Centralized Repository to Support Agricultural Research
1J. P. Fulton, 2E. Hawkins, 3B. Craker, 4D. Bierman, 5A. Aaron, 2R. Colley III, 2S. Shearer
1. The Ohio State University
2. Ohio State University
4. CropIMS
5. Ice Miller

Precision agriculture technology adoption has permitted farmers to not only receive value for their farm operation but also collect a significant amount of data.  In recent years, telemetry has become standard technology on agricultural machinery permitting automated means to move data from machines to a cloud environment.  Many of this data not provides the farm operation information for evaluation and verification but can be useful to support research focused on crop production best management practices.  The objective of this paper is to outline new technologies that bring efficiency to data sharing and management when farmers are working with researchers focused on water quality, crop response and similar type topics of interest to agriculture.  This case study will review the various APPs and software technologies being used in a variable-rate research project by both farmers and university personnel to implement, collect data using precision ag technologies and provide overall analyses.  This work will also outline protocols being used to address farmers’ concerns over public record requests when public institutions are involved as a data handler and playing a role in the research.  Methods include using a centralized data repository to collect and organize data and how the university personnel interact with different agriculture cloud technologies to assemble data shared by individual farmers plus sharing of data to graduate students and staff responsible for data summary and analyses.  Preliminary results include significant reduction in time collecting data at the farm to support the project plus bringing efficiency to how university personnel access and interact with data collecting from a multitude of farmers and technologies.

Keyword: Data, telemetry, repository, data management,