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Soil and Crop Factors to Site-specific Nitrogen Management on Sugarcane Fields
1F. R. Pereira, 2G. M. Sanches, 2R. Otto
1. Ifal - Campus Satuba

Nitrogen (N) is one of the most widely used fertilizers in crops and the most harmful to the environment. The increase fertilizers consumption, mainly N sources (one of the most widely fertilizer used in sugarcane fields), is one of the main factors underlying the sustainability of the entire production process. Currently, N recommendations in sugarcane are based only on the expected yield. However, there is little agronomic support for nitrogen (N) recommendations based on expected yield, despite the widespread used worldwide. Additionaly, several factors of the plant, soil and climate can affect the response of sugarcane to N fertilization. In this context, the objective of the present study was to investigate what are the main soil and plant factors that affect the N response in sugarcane fields by meta-analysis, aiming to guide models for nitrogen site-specificific management. A total of 146 N response curves of sugarcane (ratoon) in southeastern Brazil were collected from the literature to the assessment. No significant correlation was observed between the economically optimal N rate (Nopt, kg ha-1) and yield (Mg ha-1). Multivariate analysis identified variety, yield and Base Saturation (BS) as the factors most affecting N requirement (Nreq, kg N Mg-1 stalk), whereas harvest system (burnt or green cane) had a limited effect on Nreq. There was a negative correlation between yield and Nreq, demonstrating that higher N rates are required to maximize yield in low-yield sites. The Nreq was 1.3, 0.9, 0.7 and 0.6 kg N Mg-1 stalk for expected yields < 69, 69-84, 84-102, and > 102 Mg ha-1, respectively. These values differ from the standard of 1.0 kg N Mg-1 stalk currently used in Brazil. Deriving Nreq as the quotient between the economically optimal N rate and the yield of a given site results in an index for N recommendation (kg N Mg-1 cane-1) based indirectly on the N-supplying power of the soil, consistent with new agronomic principles.

Keyword: Saccharum spp., ratoon; fertilization, green cane, sustainability.