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Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Geospatial Data
Farmers’ and Experts’ Perceptions of Precision Farming Impacts on Economic Efficiency, Food Security, Climate and Environmental Sustainability
C. I. Anaba
University of Energy and Natural Resources

“Global food security could be in jeopardy, due to mounting pressures on natural resources and to climate change, both of which threaten the sustainability of food systems at large. Excessive fertilizer use can contribute to problems of eutrophication, acidification, climate change and the toxic contamination of soil, water and air. Lack of fertilizer application may cause the degradation of soil fertility.

Agricultural production systems need to focus more on the effective conservation and management of biodiversity and ecosystem services in order to address the twin objectives of environmental sustainability and food security.

Precision agriculture allows a producer to gain detailed information on specific portions of the fields, resulting in an increase in production potential, decreases in agricultural fertilizers, and decreases in harmful environmental effects of over applied herbicides and fertilizers”

A case study was conducted in Baden-Württemberg to describe the collective meaning of Precision Farming, assess its economic efficiency and sustainability, ecological welfares, societal impacts, its status in addressing the twin global targets of environmental sustainability and food security, its hindrances as well to recommend what should be done to address the hindrances. Qualitative data were gathered from three target groups (experts in P.F, farmers who use P.F techniques, and farmers who do not use the technology) using three sets of questionnaires including open and closed ended questions. In addition to the questionnaires, a site survey and open discussion were used, together with intensive literature review. The data was analyzed using MAXQDA 2018, software. All manuscripts were imported to the software and answers were coded. Quotations were exported into excel sheet and all duplicate retorts were scrutinized and eliminated, the distinct facts addressing all the key objectives were re-coded and final analysis was made using the analysis tool of the software and the results were displayed in bar graphs and pie charts. At the end, significant findings were made and all objectives were addressed. The major findings of this study include; Precision Farming/Agriculture also called “Agriculture 4.0” or Digital Farming is; doing the Right thing on the Right place, at the Right time, in the Right way to Increase output, increase environmental welfares, increase economic efficiency and Increase sustainability (4Rs:4Is) which then leads to achieving the regional, national, and global targets of food security and environmental sustainability. However, the P.F system appears complicated for farmers as it involves high technicalities and requires more skilled personnel and its adoption is expensive to most farmers yet, those who are able to adopt it becomes satisfied and realizes great benefits from it hence, was found to be sustainable after solving the start-up and technical problems farmers are facing and it stand the high chance to be the future of agriculture not only in the western world, but in the globe as technologies evolve, both small and large, temperate and tropic farms will get technologies best fit to the condition at each location.

Keyword: Precision Farming, its adoption, Economic Efficiency, Environmental Sustainability, Food Security