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Shi, Y
Murdoch, A
Kocks, C
Sansoulet, J
Sogbedji, J.M
Shi, L
Santi, A.L
Spekken, M
Swoboda, K
Sanz, J
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Sanz, J
Romo, A
Casanova, J.L
Fraile, S
Molin, J.P
Spekken, M
Shi, Y
Wang, N
Pattey, E
Jego, G
Tremblay, N
Drury, C
Ma, B
Sansoulet, J
Beaudoin, N
Wang, N
Shi, Y
Taylor, R.K
Eitelwein, M.T
Molin, J.P
Spekken, M
Trevisan, R.G
Spekken, M
Molin, J.P
Romanelli, T.L
Ferraz, M.N
Walsh, O.S
Belmont, K
McClintick-Chess, J
Marshall, J
Jackson, C
Thompson, C
Swoboda, K
Kempenaar, C
van Evert, F
Been, T
Kocks, C
Westerdijk, K
Nysten, S
Amado, T.J
Santi, A.L
Corassa, G.M
Bisognin, M.B
Gaviraghi, R
Pires, J.L
Zhang, X
Helgason, C
Seielstad, G
Shi, L
Spekken, M
Molin, J.P
Sogbedji, J.M
Lare, M
Lotsi, A.K
Amouzou, K.A
Agneroh, T
Karampoiki, M
Todman, L
Mahmood, S
Murdoch, A
Paraforos, D
Hammond, J
Ranieri, E
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Guidance, Robotics, Automation, and GPS Systems
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Precision Nutrient Management
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Decision Support Systems in Precision Agriculture
Precision Nutrient Management
Spatial Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Spatial and Temporal Variability in Crop, Soil and Natural Resources
Robotics, Guidance and Automation
Precision Agriculture and Global Food Security
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results14 paper(s) found.

1. Performance Evaluation Of Off-shelf Range Sensors For In-field Crop Height Measurement

Abstract: In-season plant height is a good predictor of yield potential, which needs to be measured with techniques of high spatial resolution and accuracy. In this study, systematic performance evaluations were conducted on three types of commercial range sensors, an ultrasonic sensor, a laser range finder and a range camera on plant height measurement, under laboratory and field conditions. Results showed that the average errors between the measured heights... N. Wang, Y. Shi, R.K. Taylor

2. Maturity Grape Indicators Obtained By Means Of Earth Observation Techniques

Wine producers often need to buy grapes from growers. A good selection of grapes allows obtaining the desired wine quality. This paper presents a procedure to obtain by means of earth observation techniques indices and parameters used in the Spanish vineyards to monitor the state of the grapes. In this way is possible to monitor the ripeness of the grapes or the best time to harvest in such a way that growers can get the highest quality grapes, while producers of wine can select the most appropriate... J. Sanz, A. Romo, J.L. Casanova, S. Fraile

3. Optimizing Path Planning By Avoiding Short Corner Tracks

... J.P. Molin, M. Spekken

4. In-Field Corn Stalk Location Using Rapid Line-Scan Technique

... Y. Shi, N. Wang

5. Performance Evaluation of STICS Crop Model to Simulate Corn Growth Attributes in Response to N Rate and Climate Variations

Improving nitrogen use efficiency in crop plants contributes to increase the sustainability of agriculture. Crop models could be used as a tool to test the impact of climatic conditions on crop growth under several N management practices and to refine N application recommendation and strategy. STICS, a crop growth simulator developed by INRA (France), has the capability to assimilate leaf area index (LAI) from remote sensing to re-initialize input parameters, such as seeding date and seeding... E. Pattey, G. Jego, N. Tremblay, C. Drury, B. Ma, J. Sansoulet, N. Beaudoin

6. Assessing Definition Of Management Zones Trough Yield Maps

Yield mapping is one of the core tools of precision agriculture, showing the result of combined growing factors. In a series of yield maps collected along seasons it is possible to observe not only the spatial distribution of the productivity but also its spatial consistency among different seasons. This work proposes the study of distinct methods to analyze yield stability in grain crops regarding its potential for defining management zones from a historical sequence of yield maps. Two methods... M.T. Eitelwein, J.P. Molin, M. Spekken, R.G. Trevisan

7. Site Specific Costs Concerning Machine Path Orientation

Computer algorithms have been created to simulate in advance the orientation/pattern of a machine operation on a field. Undesired impacts were obtained and quantified for these simulations, like: maneuvering and overlap of inputs in headlands; servicing of secondary units; and soil loss by water erosion. While the efforts could minimize the overall costs, they disregard the fact that these costs aren’t uniformly distributed over irregular fields. The cost of a non-productive machine process... M. Spekken, J.P. Molin, T.L. Romanelli, M.N. Ferraz

8. UAV-based Crop Scouting for Precision Nutrient Management

Precision agriculture – is one of the most substantial markets for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). Mounted on the UAVs, sensors and cameras enable rapid screening of large numbers of experimental plots to identify crop growth habits that contribute to final yield and quality in a variety of environments. Wheat is one of the Idaho’s most important cereal crops grown in 42 of 44 Idaho counties. We are working on establishing a UAV-based methodology for in-season prediction of wheat... O.S. Walsh, K. Belmont, J. Mcclintick-chess, J. Marshall, C. Jackson, C. Thompson, K. Swoboda

9. Towards Data-intensive, More Sustainable Farming: Advances in Predicting Crop Growth and Use of Variable Rate Technology in Arable Crops in the Netherlands

Precision farming (PF) will contribute to more sustainable agriculture and the global challenge of producing ‘More with less’. It is based on the farm management concept of observing, measuring and responding to inter- and intra-field variability in crops. Computers enabled the use of Farm Management Information Systems (FMIS) and farm and field specific Decision Support Systems (DSS) since mid-1980s. GIS and GNSS allowed since ca. 2000 geo-referencing of data and controlled traffic... C. Kempenaar, F. Van evert, T. Been, C. Kocks, K. Westerdijk, S. Nysten

10. Response of Soybean Cultivars According to Management Zones in Southern Brazil

The positioning of soybean cultivars on fields according your environmental response is new strategy to obtain high soybean yields. The aim of this study was to investigate the agronomic response of six soybean cultivars according management zones in Southern Brazil. The study was conducted in 2013/2014 and in two fields located in Boa Vista das Missões, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. The experimental design was a randomized complete block in a factorial arrangement (3x6), with three management... T.J. Amado, A.L. Santi, G.M. Corassa, M.B. Bisognin, R. Gaviraghi, J.L. Pires

11. Zone Mapping Application for Precision-farming: a Decision Support Tool for Variable Rate Application

We have developed a web-based decision support tool, Zone Mapping Application for Precision Farming (ZoneMAP, http://zonemap.umac.org), which can automatically determine the optimal number of management zones and delineate them using satellite imagery and field survey data provided by users. Application rates, say for fertilizer, can be prescribed for each zone and downloaded in a variety of formats to ensure compatibility with GPS-enabled farming applicators. ZoneMAP is linked to Digital Northern... X. Zhang, C. Helgason, G. Seielstad, L. Shi

12. UAV Images As a Source for Retrieval of Machine Tracks and Vegetation Gaps Along Crop Rows

The trend of acquiring equipment and obtaining high resolution remote sensed images by Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) have been followed by sugarcane producers in Brazil, given its low cost. The images taken from fields have been used for retrieval of information like Digital Terrain Models (DTMs) from stereoscopy of overlapping images and spatial variance of biomass. In sugarcane production, driving deviations occur during planting because of manual steering inaccuracy, sliding of machines sideways... M. Spekken, J.P. Molin

13. Variability in Yield Response of Maize to N, P and K Fertilization Towards Site-specific Nutrient Recommendations in Two Maize Belts in Togo

Savannah and central regions are the major maize production zones in Togo, but with maize grain yields at a threshold of only 1.5 Mg ha-1. We use a participatory approach to assess the importance of the major three macro elements (N, P and K) for maize cropping in the two regions in order to further allow for site-specific and scalable fertilizer recommendations. Thirty farmers’ fields served as pilot sites, allocated within the two regions to account for spatial variability in... J.M. Sogbedji, M. Lare, A.K. Lotsi, K.A. Amouzou, T. Agneroh

14. A Bayesian Network Approach to Wheat Yield Prediction Using Topographic, Soil and Historical Data

Bayesian Network (BN) is the most popular approach for modeling in the agricultural domain. Many successful applications have been reported for crop yield prediction, weed infestation, and crop diseases. BN uses probabilistic relationships between variables of interest and in combination with statistical techniques the data modeling has many advantages. The main advantages are that the relationships between variables can be learned using the model as well as the potential to deal with missing... M. Karampoiki, L. Todman, S. Mahmood, A. Murdoch, D. Paraforos, J. Hammond, E. Ranieri