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Nobakhti, A
Nowatzki, J.F
Nino, P
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Nino, P
Vanino, S
Lupia, F
Altobelli, F
Vuolo, F
Namdarian, I
De Michele, C
Momsen, E
Xu, J
Franzen, D.W
Nowatzki, J.F
Farahmand, K
Denton, A.M
Denton, A.M
Chavan, H
Franzen, D.W
Nowatzki, J.F
Pourshamsaei, H
Nobakhti, A
Pourshamsaei, H
Nobakhti, A
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Remote Sensing Applications in Precision Agriculture
Wireless Sensor Networks
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. Applications for Precision Agriculture: the Italian Experience of SIRIUS Project

    This paper reports the results of the project SIRIUS (Sustainable Irrigation water management and River-basin... P. Nino, S. Vanino, F. Lupia, F. Altobelli, F. Vuolo, I. Namdarian, C. De michele

2. Use Of Quality And Quantity Information Towards Evaluating The Importance Of Independent Variables In Yield Prediction

Yield predictions based on remotely sensed data are not always accurate.  Adding meteorological and other data can help, but may also result in over-fitting.  Working with American Crystal Sugar, we were able to demonstrate that the relevance of independent variables can be tested much more reliably when not only yield but also quality attributes are known, such as the sugar content and the sugar... E. Momsen, J. Xu, D.W. Franzen, J.F. Nowatzki, K. Farahmand, A.M. Denton

3. Window-based Regression Analysis of Field Data

High-resolution satellite and areal imagery enables multi-scale analysis that has previously been impossible.  We consider the task of localized linear regression and show that window-based techniques can return results at different length scales with very high efficiency.  The ability of inspecting multiple length scales is important for distinguishing factors that vary over different length scales.  For example, variations in fertilization are expected to occur on shorter length... A.M. Denton, H. Chavan, D.W. Franzen, J.F. Nowatzki

4. A Comparative Study of Field-Wide Estimation of Soil Moisture Using Compressive Sensing

In precision agriculture, monitoring of soil moisture plays an essential role in correct decision making. In practice, regular mesh installation, or large random deployment of moisture sensors over a large field is not possible due to cost and maintenance prohibitions. Consequently, direct measurement of moisture is possible at only a few points in the field. A value for the moisture may then be estimated for the remaining areas using a variety of algorithms. It is shown that although... H. Pourshamsaei, A. Nobakhti

5. Optimal Sensor Placement for Field-Wide Estimation of Soil Moisture

Soil moisture is one of the most important parameters in precision agriculture. While techniques such as remote sensing seems appropriate for moisture monitoring over large areas, they generally do not offer sufficiently fine resolution for precision work, and there are time restrictions on when the data is available. Moreover, while it is possible to get high resolution-on demand data, but the costs are often prohibitive for most developing countries. Direct ground level measurement... H. Pourshamsaei, A. Nobakhti