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Milics, G
Kikkert, J.R
Massinon, M
Molin, J.P
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Amaral, L.R
Molin, J.P
Taubinger, L
Lebeau, F
Massinon, M
Maréchal, P
Boukhalfa, H
Milics, G
Szabó, S
Bűdi, K
Takács, A
Láng, V
Zsebo, S
Nyéki , A
Milics, G
Kovács, A.J
Neményi, M
Kulmány, I
Zsebő, S
Hughes, E.W
Pethybridge, S.J
Salvaggio, C
van Aardt, J
Kikkert, J.R
Milics, G
Varga, P.M
Magyar, F
Balla, I
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Precision Crop Protection
Site-Specific Nutrient, Lime and Seed Management
On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies
Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems
Decision Support Systems
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Filter results6 paper(s) found.

1. Vegetation Indices from Active Crop Canopy Sensor and Their Potential Interference Factors on Sugarcane

Among the inputs usually used in the sugarcane production the nitrogen (N) is the most significant. With the use of ground-based canopy sensors to obtain vegetation indexes (VI), it is possible to obtain recommendations of nutrient supply in... L.R. Amaral, J.P. Molin, L. Taubinger

2. The Effect of Leaf Orientation on Spray Retention on Blackgrass

Spray application efficiency depends on the pesticide application method as well as target properties. A wide range of drop impact angles exists during the spray application process because of drop trajectory and the variability of the leaf orientation. As the effect of impact angle on retention is still poorly documented, laboratory studies were conducted... F. Lebeau, M. Massinon, P. Maréchal, H. Boukhalfa

3. Increasing Corn (Zea Mays L.) Profitability by Site-Specific Seed and Nutrient Management in Igmand-Kisber Basin, Hungary

Variable Rate Technology (VRT) in seeding and nutrient management has been developed in order to apply crop inputs variably. Farm equipment is widely available to manage in-field variability in Hungary, however, defining management zones, seed rates and amounts of nutrients is still a challenge. An increasing number of growers in Hungary have started adopting precision agriculture technology; however, data on profitability concerning site-specific seeding and nitrogen management is not widely... G. Milics, S. Szabó, K. Bűdi, A. Takács, V. Láng, S. Zsebo

4. Improving Yield Prediction Accuracy Using Energy Balance Trial, On-the-Go and Remote Sensing Procedure

 Our long term experience in the ~23.5 ha research field since 2001 shows that decision support requires complex databases from each management zone within that field (eg. soil physical and chemical parameters, technological, phenological and meteorological data). In the absence of PA sustainable biomass production cannot be achieved. The size of management zones will be ever smaller. Consequently, the on the go and remote sensing data collection should be preferred.  The... A. Nyéki , G. Milics, A.J. Kovács, M. Neményi, I. Kulmány, S. Zsebő

5. Snap Bean Flowering Detection from UAS Imaging Spectroscopy

Sclerotinia sclerotiorum (white mold) is a fungus that infects the flowers of snap beans and causes a reduction in the number of pods, and subsequent yields, due to premature pod abscission. Snap bean fields typically are treated with prophylactic fungicide applications to control white mold, once 10% of the plants have at least one flower. The holistic goal of this research is to develop spatially-explicit white mold risk models, based on inputs from remote sensing systems aboard unmanned... E.W. Hughes, S.J. Pethybridge, C. Salvaggio, J. Van aardt, J.R. Kikkert

6. Data Sources and Risk Management in Precision Agriculture

The digitalisation of the agricultural economy provides more data about the biological processes and technological solutions used for producing agricultural products than ever before. Paralell to the data collection – aiming to provide information for agricultural decision-making and operations – the data informs the farmers, public administration officers and other players in agriculture about the state of the environment. The strategic planning on operation of farms and data handling... G. Milics, P.M. Varga, F. Magyar, I. Balla