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Ko-Madden, C
Keresztes, B
Midtiby, H.S
Kruger, G
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J�??�?�¸rgensen, R.N
Midtiby, H.S
Giselsson, T.M
Kruger, G
van Donk, S
Shaver, T.M
Kizer, E
Upadhyaya, S.K
Rojo, F
Ozmen, S
Ko-Madden, C
Zhang, Q
Abdelghafour, F.Y
Rosu, R
Keresztes, B
Germain, C
Da Costa, J
Keresztes, B
Da Costa, J
Randriamanga, D
Germain, C
Abdelghafour, F
Precision Crop Protection
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Proximal Sensing in Precision Agriculture
Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop (including Phenotyping)
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Filter results5 paper(s) found.

1. BrainWeed - Teach-In System for Adaptive High Speed Crop / Weed Classification and Targeting

Conducting inter row mechanical weeding requires the precise location of each individual crop plant is known. One technique is to record the global position of each seed when sown using  RTK-GPS systems. Another... R.N. JÃ???Ã??Ã?¸rgensen, H.S. Midtiby, T.M. Giselsson

2. Suitability Of Crop Canopy Sensors For Determining Irrigation Differences In Maize

Water is the most limiting factor for agricultural production in the semiarid environment of the western Great Plains of the United States.  Dry climate conditions combined with a large availability of ground water has led to crop systems that are dependent on irrigation for maximum yields.  An increased emphasis on water is forcing users to find new ways to increase the efficiency of water used for agriculture.  Crop canopy sensors may have the potential to determine... G. Kruger, S. Van donk, T.M. Shaver

3. Proximal Sensing of Leaf Temperature and Microclimatic Variables to Implement Precision Irrigation in Almond and Grape Crops

Irrigation decisions based on traditional soil moisture sensing often leads to uncertainty regarding the true amount of water available to the plant. Plant based sensing of water stress decreases this uncertainty. In specialty crops grown in California’s Central Valley, precision deficit irrigation based on plant water stress could be used to decrease water use and increase water use efficiency by supplying the necessary quantity of water only when it is needed by the plant. However, there... E. Kizer, S.K. Upadhyaya, F. Rojo, S. Ozmen, C. Ko-madden, Q. Zhang

4. Joint Structure and Colour Based Parametric Classification of Grapevine Organs from Proximal Images Through Several Critical Phenological Stages

Proximal colour imaging is the most time and cost-effective automated technology to acquire high-resolution data describing accurately the trellising plane of grapevine. The available textural information is meaningful enough to provide altogether the assessment of additional agronomic parameters that are still estimated either manually or with dedicated and expensive instrumentations. This paper proposes a new framework for the classification of the different organs visible in the trellising... F.Y. Abdelghafour, R. Rosu, B. Keresztes, C. Germain, J. Da costa

5. Real-Time Fruit Detection Using Deep Neural Networks

Proximal imaging using tractor-mounted cameras is a simple and cost-effective method to acquire large quantities of data in orchards and vineyards. It can be used for the monitoring of vegetation and for the management of field operations such as the guidance of smart spraying systems for instance. One of the most prolific research subjects in arboriculture is fruit detection during the growing season. Estimations of fruit-load can be used for early yield assessments and for the monitoring of... B. Keresztes, J. Da costa, D. Randriamanga, C. Germain, F. Abdelghafour