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Lukas, V
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Charvat, K
Reznik, T
Charvat jr., K
Lukas, V
Horakova, S
Kepka, M
Charvat, K
Reznik, T
Lukas, V
Charvat Jr., K
Horakova, S
Splichal, M
Kepka, M
Standards & Data Stewardship
Precision Agriculture and Climate Change
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. FOODIE Data Model for Precision Agriculture

The agriculture sector is a unique sector due to its strategic importance for both citizens (consumers) and economy (regional and global), which ideally should make the whole sector a network of interacting organizations. The FOODIE project aims at building an open and interoperable agricultural specialized platform hub on the cloud for the management of spatial and non-spatial data relevant for farming production. The FOODIE service platform deals with including their thematic, spatial, and temporal... K. Charvat, T. Reznik, K. Charvat jr., V. Lukas, S. Horakova, M. Kepka

2. Quo Vadis Precision Farming

The agriculture sector is a unique sector due to its strategic importance for both citizens and economy which, ideally, should make the whole sector a network of interacting organizations. There is an increasing tension, the like of which is not experienced in any other sector, between the requirements to assure full safety and keep costs under control, but also assure the long-term strategic interests of Europe and worldwide. In that sense, agricultural production influences, and is influenced... K. Charvat, T. Reznik, V. Lukas, K. Charvat jr., S. Horakova, M. Splichal, M. Kepka