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Shannon, K
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Scharf, P
Shannon, K
Sudduth, K
Kitchen, N
Shannon, K
Sensor Application in Managing In-season Crop Variability
Agricultural Education
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1. Sensor-based Nitrogen Applications Out-performed Producer-chosen Rates for Corn in On-farm Demonstrations

Optimal nitrogen fertilizer rate for corn can vary substantially within and among fields.  Current N management practices do not address this variability.  Crop reflectance sensors offer the potential to diagnose crop N need and control N application rates at a fine spatial scale.  Our objective was to evaluate the performance of sensor-based variable-rate N applications to corn, relative to constant N rates chosen by the producer.  Fifty-five replicated on-farm demonstrations... P. Scharf, K. Shannon, K. Sudduth, N. Kitchen

2. Precision Farming Basics Manual - a Comprehensive Updated Textbook for Teaching and Extension Efforts

Today precision agricultural technologies are limited by the lack of a workforce that is technology literate, creative, innovative, fully trained in their discipline, able to utilize and interpret information gained from information-age technologies to make smart management decisions, and have the capacity to convert locally collected information into practical solutions. As part of a grant entitled Precision Farming Workforce Development:  Standards, Working Groups, and Experimental Learning... K. Shannon