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Draye, X
Das, K
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Das, K
Singh, J
Hazra, J
Cammarano, D
Drexler, D
Hinsinger, P
Martre, P
Draye, X
Sessitsch, A
Pecchioni, N
Cooper, J
Helga, W
Voicu, A
Geospatial Data
Big Data, Data Mining and Deep Learning
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Filter results2 paper(s) found.

1. Development of a High Resolution Soil Moisture for Precision Agriculture in India

Soil moisture and temperature are key inputs to several precision agricultural applications such as irrigation scheduling, identifying crop health, pest and disease prediction, yield and acreage estimation, etc.  The existing remote sensing satellites based soil moisture products such as SMAP are of coarse resolution and physics based land surface model such as NLDAS, GLDAS are of coarse resolution as well as not available for real time applications.  Keeping this in focus, we are developing... K. Das, J. Singh, J. Hazra

2. Shared Protocols and Data Template in Agronomic Trials

Due to the overlap of many disciplines and the availability of novel technologies, modern agriculture has become a wide, interdisciplinary endeavor, especially in Precision Agriculture. The adoption of a standard format for reporting field experiments can help researchers to focus on the data rather than on re-formatting and understanding the structure of the data. This paper describes how a European consortium plans to: i) create a “handbook” of protocols for reporting definitions,... D. Cammarano, D. Drexler, P. Hinsinger, P. Martre, X. Draye, A. Sessitsch, N. Pecchioni, J. Cooper, W. Helga, A. Voicu